[8.24.1]Extended Kled & Skaarl guide, Damage and Tankiness Reunited
(Last updated on December 31, 2018)
Views 11.3K
[8.24.1]Extended Kled & Skaarl guide, Damage and Tankiness Reunited
(Last updated on December 31, 2018)
Views 11.3K
Rarely seen toplane, but as soon as he jumps out of safety from a brush all-in him. Just respect him very early on as his cheese damage is almost the same as yours and can burst you before you remount.
If you dismount and he disengages without you being able to keep the trade, do not stay in lane.
Even if she can poke you a little with Q early on, the more levels you gain the less viable she will be.
The trick is simple, as she goes into her shroud do not stay on it, but also do not back off, if she is middle-to-pushing in your lane go into a brush past the shroud and stall. as soon as the shroud ends all in her, she will have to waste all to survive.
If you missplay and dismount without having courage and she disengages as lvl 5-6, go back and buy an MR item, she won't be able to kill you after you do.
I didn't include him in the "easy" matchup as he can be nasty if you don't know what you are doing, as soon as you do you can consider him easy:
-Use your E to dodge into him his Q, so he doesn't heal, apply a stack and damage a lot; he will put all his ability points into Q, so dodging it is the same as making him not have one. BEWARE: His Q CD is shorter than your E's.
-Do not fear him because he is Darius, if he dies you don't because of triumph and Skaarl's remount. You can trade with him and then disengage before he gets 5 stacks or all in him if you got ignite, he will just try to run away.
-You can only die vs him if he is fed (duh) or if he manages to dismount you, get 5 Bleed stacks, Ult you before you remount.
Can be really hard if he manages to disengage after dismounting you, he has the mobility and CC to kill you as you can only dodge one time with Q (2 with flash).
You can be way more helpful than him.
Do not fall for it, too risky: as she ults when low, disengage, let her ult run out, then use your high mobility to finish her, although she will probably back off.
She knows when to Riposte you as your Q and R are predictable, but you can play around knowing that and dodging with your E/Flash.
Try to not let her procc the last vital of her ult by sticking to a wall for it's duration, you'll negate her a ton of healing.
If you face a good Jax, he will know how to play around you, his ability to dodge your autoatacks then stun you as well as his consistent damage can be a nightmare. This again, if he is a good Jax.
A great one will decimate you if you don't get help/outplay her.
Champs with executes are hard to deal with as Kled will be really vulnerable when he dismounts.
¬Hi! I am SirLazybones and I decided to make a guide of another of the champions I've enjoyed the most since I started playing league 5 years ago. I love his carry potential, as well as his mechanics, you'll see in this guide.¬
¬Finally before starting for real, I decided to keep up with the GIFs and videos, it makes this guide more enjoyable and easier to read, I hope they are useful and entertaining enough for you, as well as trying to resume as much as I can so you don’t get too much to read, as it can get boring.¬
Kled is a champion designed to go ham on their opponents, and not back off from a fight (unless it is too difficult, in that case it is ok, you’ll kill that opponent later).
As such, all his abilities are designed in that purpose, and although he has some amazing survivability with his health regain passive, 2 dashes on his E and a semi-global R that gives him an immense shield, if all this isn’t used properly, and you play him as a tank, it won’t work.
High risk, high reward
If you’ve played as Kled a couple of times you’ll have heard him say loudly:
-Kled gains 15 Courage per AutoAttack
As you may have seen, active:
After his 4 quick autoattacks thanks to W, you can rapidly activate Titanic H to reset the AA timer.
Doing so while dismounted will let you remount in three seconds if performed correctly with W up.
You don’t recover Skaarl’s Courage exclusively by hitting enemy champions, you can recover it by AA Turrets and Inhibitors, damaging Epic Monsters (Drakes, Rift Herald, Baron, Vilemaw) as well as killing lane minions; you it isn’t even close to the rate you can recover the courage with champions:
-4 Courage per minion kill
-5 Courage per AA on Tower/Inhibitor/Epic Monster
This means that if you just killed your enemy laner, he already wasted his Tp/ doesn’t have one, and you’ve seen the enemy jungler AND midlaner in the map, you can always try your best to push and regain Skaarl’s HP instead of backing if you feel you can stay longer to farm, or poke the enemy laner before backing or even killing him again if you have enough experience.
Just remember another fact about this passive:
Yes, I just talked about his passive, but there’s something any Kled player should know, all his basic abilities ( Q & E) reset the moment Skaarl returns to Kled!!!
This means you should always try to use your spells before being dismounted, for maximum damage output and utility. As you’ll have them again after remounting.
-If you land your Q then get dismounted the rope will still be on your enemy, and with your buffed movespeed you will be able to hit the second part of it, slowing the enemy to guarantee more hits than usual.
-Q’s projectile has a lot of range but is really thin, depending on the enemy champion’s hitbox it can be really hard to land it (think of Teemo for example, tiny little deemon), a great way to guarantee you’ll hit it is to use it in conjunction with your E:
Pocket Pistol (Dismounted Q)
- Kled won’t regain Skaarl immediately after gaining 100 courage, that’s why you should try to use Q’s knockback to your advantage to create some extra distance between you and the enemy to give Skaarl the 0,75 seconds she needs to return, as you can still be killed with 100 courage, which may result really tilting sometimes.
-You can have up to 2 charges of projectiles, but this doesn’t mean you get to shoot them instantly one after another, Q(dismounted has a cooldown of 3 seconds that won’t be lowered even with CDR) choose wisely when to use it.
-The knockback will enable you to go through walls, really useful!
-Keep in mind that, since W is a passive, meaning that even if you cannot activate it when you want, you will be able to see its cooldown, knowing when to bait the enemy to dismount you right before the cooldown on W ends is something you should try to get used to, as this will greatly increase your chances to remount.
-*Remember that you can only use this once per game* In adition to the last tip, you can use this trick: No-one forces you to level up your abilities as soon as you lvl up; as soon as you level up and get 2, do not immediately take W, as I’ve seen a lot of Kleds do, instead keep that ability lvl. with you; this allows you to do 4 things, all of the important:
-You’ll have your W as an active once a game (early) as you do not need it to farm.
-You pressure the enemy, as he will be going for a bad trade if he fights you with W up, he will know that as he won’t see you use W on the minions.
-You can avoid an early cheese-gank by taking E and running to safety.
-You can trade with the enemy, bait them into thinking they are winning as you’ll get dismounted, then lvl up W to have your 4 AAs and remount suddenly, making them lose the trade, maybe killing them, but for sure being in your favor.
-There's currently a bug that makes your 4rth AA not deal bonus damage if you level up your W while using it, be careful
Has a ton of utility, but not only by moving you and your team around the map:
Following the stated previously, here’s some items you should get, apart from the Core ones, that are practically required, and some you should avoid, although they may seem great at first glance:
Boots: either Merc. treds or Ninja Tabi are great for any champion, the choice between them fall into the question of whether the enemy team has got more danger of Crowd Control, or some auto attack champions that may be a problem to Kled.
Titanic Hydra: Talked about this item before, in the passive’s explanation, don’t want to bore you that much.
Black Cleaver: Some AD, a lot of HP, 20% CDR that results key as cooldown is the only thing that limits Kled to use his abilities (no mana costs).
Its movement speed passive is great, and the Armor reduction is magnificent as all Kled’s abilities do physical damage.
Death’s Dance: since it was changed to heal off all the damage you dealt and not only from physical, it can heal you from the true damage you deal, making it a great item, even more paired with the fact that some of the damage you would take gets stored into a bleed, meaning you get some extra time to remount thanks to it. The AD this item gives you as well as the last 10% CDR you’ll need since Transcendence gives you 10% for free at lvl 10.
For the last two items you would want something to make you extra difficult to kill, such as any of the following:
My prefered choices against a damage balanced team are: though.
In case you do not pick any of the latter items stated, here’s some you should avoid:
Trolling isn't fun, nor competitive.
Guardian Angel: would be a good item for Kled, and I could see it working somehow as it would let you recover some Courage, then “die”, and complete the Courage before Kled’s bar is depleted. The Problem with this item is that it restores only the 50% of the BASE HP of the champion, in Kled’s case, remember that he has the lowest base HP (only counting Kled) in the game, would be great if it counted also Skaarl’s base HP, but that would make him recover to full (Kled) HP.
Items: +160 Bonus AD +1550 Bonus HP (for Skaarl) +80 Bonus Armor +80 Bonus Magic Resist + Greatest Active in the whole game ( )+ Every passive of every item is Super Useful on Kled ( |
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