Kledthe Cantankerous Cavalier

  • 8

    Attack Power

  • 2

    Defense Power

  • 2

    Abillity Power

  • 7


Champion Statics

STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18 STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 410(+84) 1838 Mana 100(+0) 100
Hp Regen 6(+0.75) 18.75 Mana Regen - -
Attackdamage 65(+3.5) 124.5 Armor 35(+5.2) 123.4
Attack Speed - - Magic Resist 28(+2.05) 62.85
Attack Ranged 125 125 Movement Speed 345 345
STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 410(+84) 1838
HP Regen
(per 5sec)
6(+0.75) 18.75
Attack Damage 65(+3.5) 124.5
Attack Speed - -
Attack Ranged 125 125
Mana 100(+0) 100
Mana Regen
(per 5sec)
- -
Armor 35(+5.2) 123.4
Magic Resist 28(+2.05) 62.85
Movement Speed 345 345

Champion Skill

  • Skaarl, the Cowardly Lizard

    [ Passive ]

    Kled rides his trusty steed, Skaarl, who takes damage for him. When Skaarl's health depletes, Kled dismounts.

    While dismounted, Kled's abilities change and he deals less damage to champions. Kled can restore Skaarl's courage by fighting enemies. At maximum courage, Kled remounts with a portion of Skaarl's health.

  • Bear Trap on a Rope

    [ Q ]
    • COST: No Cost
    • COOL TIME: 11/10/9/8/7
    • RANGE: 800

    Kled throws a bear trap that damages and hooks an enemy champion. If shackled for a short duration, the target takes additional physical damage and is yanked toward Kled.

    When dismounted, this ability is replaced by Pocket Pistol, a ranged gun blast that knocks back Kled and restores courage.

  • Violent Tendencies

    [ W ]
    • COST: No Cost
    • COOL TIME: 11/9.5/8/6.5/5
    • RANGE:

    Kled gains massive attack speed for four attacks. The fourth attack deals more damage.

  • Jousting

    [ E ]
    • COST: No Cost
    • COOL TIME: 13/12/11/10/9
    • RANGE: 550

    Kled dashes, dealing physical damage and gaining a short burst of speed. Kled can cast this ability again to dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.

  • Chaaaaaaaarge!!!

    [ R ]
    • COST: No Cost
    • COOL TIME: 140/125/110
    • RANGE: 3500/4000/4500

    Kled and Skaarl charge to a location, leaving a speed-granting trail behind them and gaining a shield. Skaarl locks onto and rams the first enemy champion encountered.

Basic Skin

Champion's Story

A warrior as fearless as he is ornery, the yordle Kled embodies the furious bravado of Noxus. He is an icon beloved by the empire's soldiers, distrusted by its officers, and loathed by the nobility. Many claim Kled has fought in every campaign the legions have waged, has “acquired” every military title, and has never once backed down from a fight. Though the truth of the matter is often questionable, one part of his legend is undeniable: Charging into battle on his un-trusty steed, Skaarl, Kled fights to protect what's his… and to take whatever he can get.

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