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Meteor Shower II
- Meteor Shower II
- Using magical power, drops meteorites drifting in the atmosphere to attack the enemies in a wide area.
- ↓ + LMB + RMB
Quick Slot Available
Quick Slot Available with Sphera
Consumes Black Spirit’s Rage: 200%
↓ + LMB + RMB when mounted
- Req level:
- 40
- Req Point:
- 14
- MP:
- 350
- Cooldown:
- 1m 50s
- Hit Damage 683% X 4
Meteor Damage 723% X 4
6% of Max MP(EP) extra damage (Damaged reduced in PVP)
Accuracy Rate +7.5%
Casting Speed Up
Burn Damage of 40 inflicted every 3 sec. for 18 sec. on good hits
Forward Guard while casting
Super Armor on attack
Stiffness on good hits
Knockdown on good Meteor Attack
Down Attack
Damage of Black Spirit skills differ from that of normal skills.
Mounted combat | O |
Specialization | O |
Skill Specialization
- PVP Attack +5 for 5 sec. for self
- All Attack Speed -4% for 7 sec. for target
- All Casting Speed -4% for 7 sec. for target
- All Movement Speed -4% for 7 sec. for target
- Instantly Recovers 10 HP per hit
- Instantly Reduce 30 MP/WP/SP for target
Skill Ranks
Icon | Name | Req. Lv | Req. SP | Description |