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Fist of True Strength I
- Fist of True Strength I
- Throws a heavy punch to the target.
- LMB while using Flash Step, Silent Step and Sprint
Hold LMB for Extra Hit
- Req level:
- 1
- SP:
- 15
- Cooldown:
- 5.0s
- Hit Damage 167% X 3
Extra Hit Damage 167% X 3
Extra Hit Critical Hit Rate +50%
Max 5 targets
Accuracy Rate +4%
WP Recovery +20 per every good 1 hit(s) (Effect nullified during cooldown)
Knockback on good hits (Effect nullified during cooldown)
Mounted combat | X |
Specialization | X |
Skill Ranks
Icon | Name | Req. Lv | Req. SP | Description |