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Heavy Fist VIII
- Heavy Fist VIII
- Throws a heavy punch to the target.
↑ + LMB
LMB while mounted
- Req level:
- 35
- Standing Attack 177% x 2, Max 3 Hits
Forward Attack Hit Damage 177% x 2, Max 4 Hits
Jump Attack Hit Damage 177% x 2
Accuracy Rate +16%
Max 10 targets
Recovers +36 of WP per every good hit
WP Recovery +72 on every good fast standing attack
Pulls in targets on good standing attacks (PvE Only)
Mounted Hit Damage 150%
Max 10 targets on mount
WP Recovery +25 on every good mounted hit
Knockback on good mounted hits
Mounted combat | O |
Specialization | X |
Skill Ranks
Icon | Name | Req. Lv | Req. SP | Description |