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Manos Diamond Necklace
- Manos Diamond NecklaceInstalled Goods
- AP: 6 ~ 6 Weight: 0.45 LT
- Enhancement Type: Fixed
- Explanation : A diamond necklace with active Manos stone.
It can be enhanced with the same item, but both items will be destroyed if the enhancement fails.
- Can be crafted at Manos Jeweler.
- Item Effect
All Resistance +10%
- Tax rate applied articlePrice : 532,800 S
- Durability
- 100
Enhancement | O |
Dye | X |
Repair | O |
Craft Info Gear > Manos Jeweler > Manos Diamond Necklace
Item Stats/Enhancement Level
I PRI9~9
II DUO12~12
III TRI15~15
IV TET18~18
V PEN21~21
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