Ever since last week, Teamfight Tactics players have been able to play around with the new Sparring Gloves on the live servers. The item component brought with it a slew of new full items too. The Thief's Gloves, created by putting two Sparring Gloves on a champion, seemed particularly popular because of its strangee effect: the champion carrying Thief's Gloves cannot wear any other item.
At the start of a round, when you can adjust your lineup, Thief's Gloves' effect triggers. The champion wearing it dashes off to the side of the board, and returns wearing two additional items. At the end of the combat phase those items disappear, and Thief's Gloves will grant two new ones.
The effect seems to be completely random, but today Teamfight Tactics developer Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer shed light on the process. The item combinations are are divided between four 'item buckets', which scale in power. Thief's Gloves picks from the more powerful buckets the higher level you are in a match.
Below you can find the item combinations in all four buckets.
This is supposed to be the item bucket with the least powerful item combinations between one full item and an item component.
Repeating Crossbow & Giant's Belt | Deathblade & Negatron Cloak |
Hand of Justice & Negatron Cloak | Titanic Hydra & Needlessly Large Rod |
Runaan's Hurricane & Chain Mail | Rabadon's Deathcap & Giant's Belt |
Trap Claw & Tear | Morellonomicon & B.F. Sword |
Jeweled Gauntlet & Negatron Cloak | Giant Slayer & Giant's Belt |
Bloodthirster & Needlessly Large Rod | Quicksilver & Giant's Belt |
Infinity Edge & Negatron Cloak |
Hush & B.F. Sword | Frozen Fist & Recurve Bow |
Frozen Heart & B.F. Sword |
Rapidfire Cannon & Negatron Cloak | Hextech Gunblade & Chain Mail | Statikk Shiv & Negatron Cloak |
Luden's Echo & Brawler's Gloves |
Seraph's Embrace & Giant's Belt | Guardian Angel & Needlessly Large Rod | Phantom Dancer & Needlessly large Rod | Locket of the Iron Solari & B.F. Sword |
Thornmail & Needlessly Large Rod | Cursed Blade & Giant's Belt |
Ionic Spark & Recurve Bow |
Swordbreaker & Tear |
Trap Claw & Negatron Cloak |
Zeke's Herald & Tear | Redemption & Brawler's Gloves | Red Buff & Tear |
Guinsoo's Rageblade & Giant's Belt | Zephyr & Negatron Cloak |
Warmog's Armor & Needlessly Large Rod | Spear of Shojin & Chain Mail |
One step higher we find more powerful combinations of full items with one item component.
Repeating Crossbow & B.F. Sword |
Deathblade & Recurve Bow |
Hand of Justice & Recurve Bow | Titanic Hydra & Recurve Bow |
Rabadon's Deathcap & Needlessly Large Rod |
Runaan's Hurricane & B.F. Sword |
Trap Claw & Giant's Belt |
Morellonomicon & Tear |
Jeweled Gauntlet & Needlessly Large Rod | Giant Slayer & Recurve Bow |
Bloodthirster & B.F. Sword |
Quicksilver & Brawler's Gloves |
Frozen Heart & Tear | Rapidfire Cannon & B.F. Sword |
Infinity Edge & Brawler's Gloves | Hush & Recurve Bow |
Frozen Fist & Brawler's Gloves |
Hextech Gunblade & Tear |
Guinsoo's Rageblade & Recurve Bow | Spear of Shojin & Tear |
Statikk Shiv & Recurve Bow |
Luden's Echo & Needlessly Large Rod | Seraph's Embrace & Tear |
Guardian Angel & Tear |
Phantom Dancer & Recurve Bow |
Locket of the Iron Solari & Chain Mail | Thornmail & Chain Mail |
Cursed Blade & Recurve Bow |
Ionic Spark & Chain Mail |
Swordbreaker & Recurve Bow |
Trap Claw & Giant's Belt |
Zeke's Herald & B.F. Sword |
Redemption & Needlessly Large Rod | Red Buff & Recurve Bow |
Zephyr & Giant's Belt | Warmog's Armor & Giant's Belt |
This is the first tier where two full items are brought together by Thief's Gloves. However, they are on the lower end of the power spectrum within the 'two full items' combinations.
Deathblade & Quicksilver |
Deathblade & Zeke's Herald |
Rapidfire Cannon & Zeke's Herald | Runaan's Hurricane & Repeating Crossbow |
Spear of Shojin & Hand of Justice |
Guinsoo's Rageblade & Locket of the Iron Solari | Inifinity Edge & Red Buff |
Giant Slayer & Cursed Blade |
Rabadon's Deathcap & Quicksilver |
Hextech Gunblade & Bloodthirster |
Stattik Shiv & Ionic Spark |
Luden's Echo & Phantom Dancer |
Seraph's Embrace & Jeweled Gauntlet |
Frozen Heart & Frozen Fist |
Thornmail & Redemption |
Hush & Trap Claw |
Sword Breaker & Warmog's Armor |
Titanic Hydra & Morellonomicon | Guardian Angel & Zephyr | Rapidfire Cannon & Hextech Gunblade |
Zephyr & Hand of Justice |
Ionic Spark & Morellonomicon | Infinity Edge & Warmog's Armor |
Jeweled Gauntlet & Hush |
Luden's Echo & Cursed Blade |
Rabadon's Deathcap & Statikk Shiv |
Dragon's Claw & Bloodthirster |
Quicksilver & Guinsoo's Rageblade |
Giant Slayer & Phantom Dancer | Seraph's Embrace & Runaan's Hurricane | Frozen Heart & Trap Claw |
Thornmail & Frozen Fist |
Repeating Crossbow & Redemption | Swordbreaker & Red Buff |
Titanic Hydra & Locket of the Iron Solari | Guardian Angel & Spear of Shojin |
By far the most item combinations—57 in total—are in this item bucket. It consists of the more powerful full item combinations. It's also where we first see two of the same item stacked.
Deathblade & Ionic Spark |
Deathblade & Bloodthirster | Deathblade & Guardian Angel | Repeating Crossbow & Trap Clap |
Hand of Justice & Bloodthirster | Hand of Justice & Guinsoo's Rageblade | Bloodthirster & Rapidfire Cannon | Titanic Hydra & Runaan's Hurricane |
Thornmail & Warmog's Armor |
Thornmail & Thornmail | Deathblade & Statikk Shiv |
Statikk Shiv & Statikk Shiv |
Spear of Shojin & Statikk Shiv |
Spear of Shojin & Guinsoo's Rageblade | Spear of Shojin & Rapidfire Cannon | Rapidfire Cannon & Giant Slayer |
Rabadon's Deathcap & Seraph's Embrace |
Trap Claw & Trap Claw | Morellonomicon & Luden's Echo | Jeweled Gauntlet & Infinity Edge |
Quicksilver & Quicksilver | Giant Slayer & Runaan's Hurricane | Guinsoo's Rageblade & Titanic Hydra | Frozen Heart & Frozen Heart |
Frozen Heart & Redemption | Trap Claw & Warmog's Armor |
Bloodthirster & Infinity Edge |
Guardian's Angel & Morellonomicon |
Giant Slayer & Guinsoo's Rageblade | Rapidfire Cannon & Infinity Edge | Hextech Gunblade & Seraph's Embrace | Hextech Gunblade & Rabadon's Deathcap |
Hextech Gunblade & Luden's Echo | Guinsoo's Rageblade & Statikk Shiv | Rabadon's Deathcap & Jeweled Gauntlet | Luden's Echo & Seraph's Embrace |
Luden's Echo & Jeweled Gauntlet | Phantom Dancer & Frozen Fist | Phantom Dancer & Guardian Angel | Frozen Fist & Frozen Fist |
Locket of the Iron Solari & Zeke's Herald | Locket of the Iron Solari & Locket of the Iron Solari | Cursed Blade & Cursed Blade |
Cursed Blade & Runaan's Hurricane |
Ionic Spark & Warmog's Armor | Ionic Spark & Ionic Spark |
Hush & Runaan's Hurricane |
Swordbreaker & Runaan's Hurricane |
Swordbreaker & Hush | Trap Claw & Quicksilver | Zeke's Herald & Zeke's Herald |
Titanic Hydra & Warmog's Armor |
Redemption & Guardian Angel | Redemption & Redemption | Red Buff & Runaan's Hurricane |
Red Buff & Giant Slayer |
Inifinity Edge & Infinity Edge |
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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