Teamfight Tactics is coming to PBE today and everybody’s excited. Streamers have been releasing footages of gameplay starting yesterday and people can’t wait to get their hands on this game. There are plenty of images and sources that have all the information on the game, but I thought it’d be nice if you can search for what you want using Ctrl + F.
*This data is as of June 18th, 2019.

Demon: (2) 30%, (4) 50%, (6) 70% on hit to burn all of target's current mana, dealing true damage equal to mana burned.
- Elise (2), Varus (2), Evelynn (3), Aatrox (3), Morgana (3), Brand (4), Swain (5)
Dragon: (2) Dragons are immune to Magic Damage.
- Shyvana (3), Aurelion Sol (4)
Exile: (1) Exiles start combat with a shield equal to 100% max HP when placed adjacent to NO other units.
- Yasuo (5)
Glacial: (2) 25%, (4) 35%, (6) 45% on hit chance to stun for 2 seconds.
- Braum (2), Lissandra (2), Ashe (3), Volibear (3), Sejuani (4), Anivia (5)
Imperial: (2) 1 random Imperial deals Double Damage, (4) All Imperials deal Double Damage.
- Darius (1), Katarina (3), Draven (4), Swain (5)
Noble: Nobles grant +100 Armor and heal for 35 on hit (3) to 1 random ally, (6) to all allies.
- Fiora (1), Garen (1), Vayne (1), Lucian (2), Leona (4), Kayle (5)
Ninja: Ninjas gain a percentage of Attack Damage (Exactly 1) +40% AD (Exactly 4) +60% AD.
- Shen (2), Zed (2), Kennen (3), Akali (4)
Pirate: (3) Earn up to 4 additional gold after each PVP round.
- Graves (1), Pyke (2), Gangplank (3), Miss Fortune (5)
Phantom: (2) Curse a random enemy at the start of combat, setting their HP to 100.
- Mordekaiser (1), Kindred (4), Karthus (5)
Robot: (1) Robots start combat with full mana.
- Blitzcrank (2)
Void: (3) All basic attacks ignore 50% of the enemy's Armor.
- Kha’Zix (1), Kassadin (1), Rek’Sai (2), Cho’Gath (4)
Wild: Attacks generate stacks of Fury (up to 5), in which each stack grants 8% attack speed (2) to Wilds (4) to all allies.
- Warwick (1), Nidalee (1), Ahri (2), Rengar (3), Gnar (4)
Yordle: Attacks against Yordles have a (3) 20% (6) 50% chance to miss.
-Tristana (1), Lulu (2), Poppy (3), Kennen (3), Veigar (3), Gnar (4)
Assassin: Assassins have (3) +150%, (6) +350% Critical Damage.
- Kha’Zix (1), Zed (2), Pyke (2), Evelynn (3), Katarina (3), Rengar (3), Akali (4)
Blademaster: 35% chance on hit for Blademasters to attack (3) one, (6) two extra times.
- Fiora (1), Shen (2), Aatrox (3), Gangplank (3), Draven (4), Yasuo (5)
Brawler: (2) +300, (4) +700 health to Brawlers.
- Warwick (1), Blitzcrank (2), Rek’Sai (2), Volibear (3), Cho’Gath (4)
Elementalist: (3) Each combat, summon an Elemental.
- Lissandra (2), Kennen (3), Brand (4), Anivia (5)
Guardian: (2) +30 Armor to Guardians and allies that start combat adjacent to them.
- Braum (2), Leona (4)
Gunslinger: 50% chance to attack (2) one additional, (4) all targets in range.
- Graves (1), Tristana (1), Lucian (2), Gangplank (3), Miss Fortune (5)
Knight: Knights block (2) 20, (4) 40, (6) 80 damage from basic attacks.
- Darius (1), Garen (1), Mordekaiser (1), Poppy (3), Sejuani (4), Kayle (5)
Ranger: Every 3s, Rangers have a (2) 25%, (4) 65% chance to double their attack speed for 3s.
- Vayne (1), Varus (2), Ashe (3), Kindred (4)
Shapeshifter: (3) On transforming, shapeshifters gain 100% max HP.
- Nidalee (1), Elise (2), Shyvana (3), Gnar (4), Swain (5)
Sorcerer: +35 AP (3), +100 AP (6) to Allies.
- Kassadin (1), Lulu (2), Ahri (2), Morgana (3), Veigar (3), Aurelion Sol (4), Karthus (5)
Champion | Origin | Class | Cost |
Aatrox | Demon | Blademaster | 3 |
Ahri | Wilde | Sorcerer | 2 |
Akali | Ninja | Assassin | 4 |
Anivia | Glacial | Elementalist | 5 |
Ashe | Glacial | Ranger | 3 |
Aurelion Sol | Dragon | Sorcerer | 4 |
Blitzcrank | Robot | Brawler | 2 |
Brand | Demon | Elementalist | 4 |
Braum | Glacial | Guardians | 2 |
Cho'Gath | Void | Brawler | 4 |
Darius | Imperial | Knight | 1 |
Draven | Imperial | Blademaster | 4 |
Elise | Demon | Shapeshifter | 2 |
Evelynn | Demon | Assassin | 3 |
Fiora | Noble | Blademaster | 1 |
Gangplank | Pirate | Gunslinger, Blademaster | 3 |
Garen | Noble | Knight | 1 |
Gnar | Wild, Yordle | Shapeshifter | 4 |
Graves | Pirate | Gunslinger | 1 |
Karthus | Phantom | Sorcerer | 5 |
Kassadin | Void | Sorcerer | 1 |
Katarina | Imperial | Assassin | 3 |
Kayle | Noble | Knight | 5 |
Kennen | Ninja, Yordle | Elementalist | 3 |
Kha'Zix | Void | Assassin | 1 |
Kindred | Phantom | Ranger | 4 |
Leona | Noble | Guardian | 4 |
Lissandra | Glacial | Elementalist | 1 |
Lucian | Noble | Gunslinger | 2 |
Lulu | Yordle | Sorcerer | 2 |
Miss Fortune | Pirate | Gunslinger | 5 |
Mordekaiser | Phantom | Knight | 1 |
Morgana | Demon | Sorcerer | 3 |
Nidalee | Wild | Shapeshifter | 1 |
Poppy | Yordle | Knight | 3 |
Pyke | Pirate | Assassin | 2 |
Rek'Sai | Void | Brawler | 2 |
Rengar | Wild | Assassin | 3 |
Sejuani | Glacial | Knight | 4 |
Shen | Ninja | Blademaster | 2 |
Shyvana | Dragon | Shapeshifter | 3 |
Swain | Imperial, Demon | Shapeshifter | 5 |
Tristana | Yordle | Gunslinger | 1 |
Varus | Demon | Ranger | 2 |
Vayne | Noble | Ranger | 1 |
Veigar | Yordle | Sorcerer | 3 |
Volibear | Glacial | Brawler | 2 |
Warwick | Wild | Brawler | 1 |
Yasuo | Exile | Blademaster | 5 |
Zed | Ninja | Assassin | 2 |

*In-game image source: Dingception Youtube
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Comments :3
level 1 Emin
Thank you!
level 1 mazen
Noble: Nobles grant +100 Armor and heal for 35 on hit (3) to 1 random ally, (6) to all allies.
- Fiora (1), Garen (1), Vayne (1), Lucian (2), Leona (4), Kayle (5)what are the numbers between the brackets ?
does nobles get 100 armor after hitting the enemy 3 times or do you have to hit enemy that costs 3coins or what ?
level 35 Viion
@mazen The (3) and (6) mean that you need 3 Nobles to activate the buff to 1 ally, 6 Nobles to all allies. The ones with the champions are their cost.