A week after the Teamfight Tactics' development team pushed through patch 10.24, a B-side patch was announced and implemented on Tuesday afternoon. First teased by the game mode's Lead Designer Stephen "Mortdog" Mortimer on Monday, the full details were revealed in a post on the company's official site.
The balance changes are as follows:
- Galio star multiplier: 12% up to 14%
- Galio's base health: 1000/1650/2250 down to 800/1400/2000
- Galio's base attack damage: 85/180/320 down to 75/160/280
- Keeper shield value: 175/250/350 down to 150/225/280
- Keeper shield duration: 8/10/14 seconds to 8/10/12 seconds
Champions and Items
- Zed attack speed: 0.8 down to 0.75
- Zed's ability attack damage steal: 30/35/40% down to 25/30/35%
- Yone total mana: 50 up to 60
- Yone Seal Fate Armor and Magic Resist reduction: 90% down to 60%
- Runaan's Hurricane attack damage multiplier: 100% down to 90%
The final patch of the year, 10.25, is scheduled to go live in the upcoming weeks.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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