In Zhaozhou Gymnasium in Qingdao, all the WESG APAC Final matches are in fierce. The faces of all the players running towards the Final match in tomorrow are getting more and more serious.I took a bri
On January 11, Zhaozhou Gymnasium in Qingdao, China, held a grand opening ceremony for WESG Asia-Pacific Region (APAC) finals, by Alibaba Group and WESG APAC Final will be held from
Phillip “PHedemark” Rasmussen is best known within the CS:GO community for his work as a community manager for the Danish teams Astralis and North. However, this is only one part of his re
We introduce Sprout, a new addition to the german esports market. Being one of the founding members of the german esports association, Sprout will be a significant part of the german scene, right from
This is the full text of cstarleague, 10/12/2017. Lineup: Toy, food, 4sh0t, Yudickmeister, versace Matches: 16-1 vs Rochester Institute of Technology16-3 vs University of RochesterFFW vs Carnegie Mell
Throughout his storied career FaZe Clan's in-game leader, Finn "karrigan" Andersen, has accomplished many things. Yet, years down the line, his long-standing legacy may have very little to do with his