As the final Hearthstone expansion of the year is set to be released next Tuesday, the development team surprised players one more time on Thursday afternoon with a special announcement via a company blog post. A little more than two weeks after the Hearthstone Battlegrounds team implemented four new heroes into the game mode, they're back at it again with three more. Joining the pool of selectable characters are Sylvanas Windrunner, Edwin Vancleef and Arch-Villain Rafaam. Additionally, Millificent Manastorm and Lich Baz'hial are returning after a brief absence. To keep the number of heroes at 24, Patches the Pirate, Bartendotron, Pyramad, Professor Putricide, and Trade Prince Gallywix are rotating out for the time being.
With all eyes in the Hearthstone community focused on the Descent of Dragons expansion launching on Tuesday, December 10, the development team shared a blog post Thursday afternoon detailing additional content coming next week as well. A small bit of news is the announcement of the final Year of the Dragon solo adventure, Galakrond's Awakening, which is coming out in January and will allow players to collect 35 new cards. According to Blizzard, more information will be coming in the near future.
In the World of Warcraft, the sky shattered, and now we have finally arrived to find out more about what that means. The veil between life and death was broken, and we will soon explore the afterlife. Here is what we know so far!