Today's editorial cartoon is about the new preseason rune system.Many subtle changes accompanied patches/updates in the past, but it's been quite some time since we've had an update as big as the one
The voting for 2017 League of Legends All-Star, the tournament in which your favorite players compete against one another, has begun.Although the voting period has yet to end, fans are starting to get
Not too long ago, news was announced that Immortals will be excluded from the 2018 NA LCS. Since it was such an out of the blue news pop up, many thought it was just a rumor. Immortals is not a team t
Greetings Summoner! Following this pre-season, there was a large scale update regarding runes reforged. I understand everyone has been busy trying to figure out what is what. Below is a program made b
Faker's old uniform was sold for 2307.24 dollars at an auction.From November 1st to the 7th, a 'Weaja' auction was held at 'K-Auction' ( By being an event to sell old belongi
Last month (24h), kt Rolster's historical moment came to fruition when Coach Easyhoon signed his resignation. He was a renowned professional player, winning 18 championships and had 10 years of leader
Greetings, gamers. This is Inven Global. We had an event for guessing the winners for LoL World Championship Finals and writing supportive comments on November 1st. ▶ LoL World Championship Finals SKT
Source: Spiral Cats Spiral Cats, the professional cosplay group in South Korea, has done a cosplay of Taliyah, one of the champions in Riot's famous game, League of Legends (LoL). The champion of thei
Illustration by Whoareyoulot (댁들은누구슈) Original upload:
Illustration by Toso Original upload:
Illustration by Uhuheheng (우으헤헹) Original upload:
Illustration by DearLuck (행운느님) Original upload:
Illustration by Jugon 123 (주곤 123) Original upload:
Samsung Galaxy took down SKT T1 to claim the throne at the final stage of LoL World Championship 2017. It was a result that not a lot of people easily saw coming. More than anything, Chan-yong “
Illustration by UCL Original upload: dafdsf
On the 7th of November, according to 'Hangook Ilbo', the Senior Presidential Secretary of Korea and the members of KeSPA are currently under search by the police department due to the suspicion of the
“The reason why we worked so well since the beginning, even way back in Challenger when we made it to the Challenger Series, our philosophy as Team Misfits has always been: we are going to play
It seems that there will be an exclusive stadium for the LCK, just like the NA and EU. Riot Games (Riot) said that there will be an announcement about construction and operation of the LCK-exclusive s
Today's editorial cartoon is about 'Samsung Galaxy' and its jungler, Ambition, that completely swept 'SK Telecom T1' at the Worlds Finals. Atop the final stage of the 2017 World Championship, SSG took
Out of the 5 starting players on SSG, Ruler has arguably been the lesser known. But he was a player that always showed up when it truly mattered. The position that he plays for, ADC, is the most impor