Illustration by 무법자탈론 Original upload:
Illustration by 그녕이언니 Original upload:
Illustration by 아르카리글 Original upload:
Illustration by 그녕이언니 Original upload:
Illustration by 또치마스터 Original upload:
Illustration by 얍비 Original upload:
On the 1st of October(KST), the Play-In Stage of the 2018 League of Legends World Championship officially began, at the newly established LoL Park in Seoul Korea. Having played the first and fifth mat
While Team Liquid, 100 Thieves, and Cloud9 bootcamp in Korea ahead of Worlds, the remainder of the NA LCS teams have entered the offseason.For Nick “Inero” Smith, the off-season is the
With some of the most experienced players joining the team, 100 Thieves made their first NA LCS debut in 2018. After going through quite a long EU journey, pr0lly decided to continue his coaching care
Cloud9 has defied all odds and, once again, qualified for the World Championships. Setting a precedence on the genuine significant of a head coach, Reapered has helped shape a new and reformed Cloud9
On the 28th of September, Riot Games Korea made an announcement that the 2018 League of Legends World Championship Play-In Stage schedule has been changed. The dates for Play-In Stage Day 1 and Day 3
KT Smeb and Score will soon be on their way to a baseball stadium. On the 28th of September, through their official Facebook page, KT Rolster made an announcement that Smeb and Score will be attending
Illustration by 아초지 Original upload:
Illustration by 고끼 Original upload:
Illustration by 얍비 Original upload:
Illustration by 띠횽 Original upload:
Illustration by 버그허트 Original upload:
Illustration by 연데프트 Original upload:
Illustration by 댁들은누구슈 Original upload: