The 2022 PUBG Nations Cup is over, with Team United Kingdom crowned as the champions. Yes, Team UK collected the most kills and the most Winner Winner Chicken Dinners (WWCDs), but there were more records in the tournament worth mentioning, so let’s have a look back at PNC 2022 by numbers.
0 - The number of times Team UK and Team Australia finished a match with zero points. Team UK and Team Australia managed to squeeze in at least one kill in all of the 16 matches. These two teams were the only teams to have scored at least one point in all of the matches played. Meanwhile, on three occasions, Team Vietnam reached the top 4 with 0 kills. Team Korea and Team Germany also reached 3rd place with 0 kills once each.
1 - Becoming the last man standing and taking home the chicken dinner is the most important factor in PUBG. Team UK and Team Brazil had the most WWCDs with four. Interestingly, Team UK had all four members left standing at the end of all four of their wins.
2 - Three teams scored two consecutive WWCDs throughout the tournament: Team UK, Team Vietnam, and Team Finland. Team UK’s consecutive WWCDs came across the span of two days.
4 - The teams with the most game wins were Team UK and Team Brazil, who each had 4 wins. Team UK won three in Erangel and one in Miramar while Team Brazil won two games on each map. On the other hand, despite being considered as one of the favorites going into PNC 2022, Team Korea wasn’t able to score a single WWCD. Instead, they ended up in 2nd place 4 times — the most in the tournament.
6 - The unluckiest player in PNC 2022 was Team Korea Na “Inonix” Hee-joo as he had six kills stolen away from him. He still made up for the loss by stealing four kills. On the other hand, Team Finland Anssi "mxey" Pekkonen lost five kills while stealing none.

9 - The most kills scored by one player in a single match was nine, recorded by Team UK’s Alex "vard" Gouge in Match 3 of the tournament. He secured half of the team’s total kills as Team UK collected 18 kills in the game, ending up in 2nd place.
11 - Team UK and Team Vietnam were the two most consistent teams throughout the tournament. The two teams managed to finish in the top four 11 times through the 16 matches. Team Korea followed close behind with 10 top four finishes.
16 - Teams stole the most kills from Team Australia as the Aussies saw 16 kills were stolen, only stealing 6 in return. This was similar to Team Finland, who stole 4 kills while losing 14. Team Korea lost 15 kills, but they made up for it by stealing 13. Team China and Team Brazil were the best stealers as they each stole 17 kills.

36 - Two players recorded 36 kills each throughout the tournament. One was the MVP, vard, and the other was team China Zhou "ZpYan1" Pin-yan. Team UK won the championship, as they collected the most kills and the most placement points, but Team China finished in 6th place — despite how well ZpYan1 played through the tournament.
37 - One of the proofs of being a great FPS player is the number of headshots. Team UK was the leader of this category as well, as they recorded 37 headshots overall. They were the only team to record more than 30 headshots.
100 - Three teams scored more than 100 kills in the tournament. Team UK had the most kills with 126, Team Brazil had 112 kills, and Team China scored 103 kills. Team Vietnam came close to the 100-mark with 99 kills.
203 - Team UK scored a total of 203 points on their journey to the championship trophy. They averaged 10.15 points per game and scored 6.3 kills per game.
286 - The number of grenades Team China picked up throughout the series. They picked up 286 grenades and used 146 of them, dealing 1,722 damage with the grenades. Team UK and Team Korea did better with the grenades, as they used 134 and 132 grenades each, respectively, and dealt 1987 and 1959 damage with them.

1,123 - The most damage dealt by one player in one match was 1,123, specifically Team Australia’s Lachlan "Fludd" Thompson in match one. Although the damage he dealt was enough to kill 11 players, he finished the game with just three kills. Team Brazil Hailton "vhz" Junior recorded the second most damage in a match as he dealt 1024.3 damage in Match 10 — but he only collected two kills.
7,707 - The best attacker in the tournament was Team UK’s Christopher "Fexx" Wheddon. He dealt a total of 7,707 damage in PNC 2022. Michael "mykLe" Wake came close with 7353.3 damage, and Lucas "lfp1" Prado followed with 6367.9 damage.
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