The following was sent to Inven Global via press release.
Today, Niantic announced details for Pokémon GO’s annual Halloween event, taking place from Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. local time. Pokémon GO’s Halloween event will have two parts. Part I will take place from Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to Thursday, October 27, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. local time. Trainers can look forward to the following in Part I:
- Pokémon Debuts – The following Pokémon will be available in Pokémon GO for the first time:
- Mega Banette* will appear in Mega Raids
- Shiny Galarian Yamask*
- Shiny Noibat* – Noibat hatched from 7km Eggs will have an increased chance of being Shiny.
- Encounters – Trainers can encounter the following through:
- Wild Encounters:
- Zubat*, Gastly*, Haunter, Spinarak*, Murkrow*, Misdreavus*, Sableye*, Shuppet*, Dusclops, Absol*, Drifloon*, Yamask*, Golett, Phantump, Pumpkaboo
- Raids:
- One-Star Raids: Sableye*, Purrloin, Yamask*, Galarian Yamask*, Phantump
- Three-Star Raids: Gengar*, Umbreon, Drifblim, Drapion
- Five-Star Raids: Altered Forme Giratina*
- Mega Raids: Mega Banette*
- 7 km Eggs:
- Yamask*, Galarian Yamask*, Phantump, Golett, Noibat*
- Field Research:
- Shuppet*, Duskull*, Yamask*, Galarian Yamask*, Phantump
- Complete tasks to earn Mega Energy: Gengar, Absol
- Wild Encounters:
Available during throughout Halloween 2022
- Featured Attack – Giratina captured during the Halloween 2022 events will know the Charged Attack Shadow Force.
- Event Bonuses –
- 2× Catch Candy, 2× Hatch Candy, 2× Transfer Candy
- Trainers level 31 and up will receive one guaranteed Candy XL when walking with a buddy.
- Trainers will see PokéStops and Gyms decorated for the holiday.
- A remix of the Lavender Town music will be playing nightly during the event.
- Trainers will see a variety of new avatar items in the shop.
- Special Research – Trainers can claim a Halloween-themed Special Research throughout the Halloween 2022 events to learn more about Yamask and Galarian Yamask*.
- Timed Research:
- For US$1.00 (or equivalent pricing tier), Trainers can purchase a ticket that grants access to Timed Research featuring encounters with Yamask.
- For US$5.00 (or equivalent pricing tier), Trainers can purchase a ticket that grants access to Timed Research featuring increased Candy bonuses, additional Halloween-themed tasks, and an avatar item.
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