In Pokemon GO, three legendary titans have been introduced: Regice, Regirock, and Registeel. As engraved in their names, Regice is an Ice-type Pokemon, Regirock is a Rock-type Pokemon, and Registeel is a Steel-type Pokemon. All Regis have high defense stats.
Counters and best skillsets for Regice
Regice’s CP can go up to 3,122 at Lv.40 and 3,530 at Lv.50. Although all Regis are bulky Pokemon, being a mono Ice-type Pokemon is a big disadvantage as Ice-type is one of the worst types for defensive Pokemon. It is only resistant to the same Ice-type Pokemon while being vulnerable to Fighting, Rock, Steel, and Fire-type Pokemon.
There are several great counters to use in raids against Regice. Among the Fire-types, Reshiram and Mega Charizard X/Y are great. Metagross is a great Steel-type counter, and Lucario and Konkeldurr are great Fighting-type counters. The list keeps going as there are many great raid attackers with those types.
Pokemon |
Type |
Fast Move |
Charged Move |
Mega Charizard X/Y |
Fire/Flying/Dragon |
Fire Spin |
Blast Burn (Elite TM) |
Reshiram |
Fire/Dragon |
Fire Fang |
Overheat |
Konkeldurr |
Fighting |
Counter |
Dynamic Punch |
Metagross |
Steel/Psychic |
Bullet Punch |
Meteor Mash (Elite TM) |
Lucario |
Fighting/Steel |
Counter |
Aura Sphere |
Rampardos |
Rock |
Smack Down |
Rock Slide |
Regice isn’t that good in PVEs, but it can be a decent Pokemon to play in PVPs as it’s quite bulky. The fast moves Regice can learn are Lock-On (Normal), Frost Breath (Ice), and Rock Smash (Fighting), but the only viable move is Lock-On. Despite its underwhelming DPS, it generates a lot of energy, which is very helpful in collecting enough energy for Regice’s expensive charged moves.
The charged moves Regice can learn are Earthquake (Ground), Blizzard (Ice), and Focus Blast (Fighting). As Regice performs better in PVPs, it’s necessary to open up its secondary charged move to make it more reliant in battles. The two recommended charged moves are Earthquake and Blizzard. Earthquake needs less energy and Blizzard can benefit from STAB.
Counters and best skillsets for Registeel

Registeel’s maximum CP is comparably lower than the other two Regis in Pokemon GO. At Lv.40, it’s 2,447 and at Lv.50, it’s’ 2,766. This makes Registeel a great choice in Great and Ultra Leagues. As a Steel-type Pokemon, Registeel is strong against several types while it exposes weaknesses to only three types: Fighting, Ground, and Fire.
The best counters against Registeel are rather similar to those strong against Regice. Fire-types or Fighting-types are all great against Registeel: Mega Charizard X/Y, Reshiram, and Lucario. Among the Ground-types, Garchomp and Rhyperior are the best choices.
Pokemon |
Type |
Fast Move |
Charged Move |
Mega Charizard X/Y |
Fire/Flying/Dragon |
Fire Spin |
Blast Burn (Elite TM) |
Reshiram |
Fire/Dragon |
Fire Fang |
Overheat |
Lucario |
Fighting/Steel |
Counter |
Aura Sphere |
Garchomp |
Ground/Dragon |
Mud Shot |
Earthquake |
Rhyperior |
Ground/Rock |
Mud-Slap |
Earthquake |
PVPs are where Registeel truly shines. Registeel’s bulkiness is hard to penetrate unless it’s a clear counter. Like Regice, Registeel can also learn Lock-On, which is great to generate energy. Metal Claw is a decent choice for Registeel in PVEs, as it can benefit from STAB. Lock-On and Metal Claw are much better than Rock Smash. So if you’re going to play Registeel in PVPs, pick Lock-On, otherwise, pick Metal Claw, although using Registeel in PVEs isn’t that recommended.
There are three charged moves for Registeel. Hyper Beam (Normal), Flash Cannon (Steel), and Focus Blast. All three moves have similar DPS, so picking Flash Cannon is usually the go-to move. As for the secondary move, Focus Blast is better than Hyper Beam, as it’s a Fighting-type attack. Hyper Beam may have higher damage but Normal-type attacks aren’t advantageous against any types.
Counters and best skillsets for Regirock

Like Regice, Regirock’s max CP is 3,122 at Lv.40 and 3,530 at Lv.50. Unlike Regice, Regirock’s bulkiness can benefit against several types: Normal, Flying, Poison, and Fire. To counter Regirock, recommended types are Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass.
The best counters against Regirock are Metagross and Lucario. Among the other types, Garchomp, Roserade, and Kyogre are great choices. Kingler is also a decent pick in countering Regirock.
Pokemon |
Type |
Fast Move |
Charged Move |
Metagross |
Steel/Psychic |
Bullet Punch |
Meteor Mash (Elite TM) |
Roserade |
Grass/Poison |
Razor Leaf |
Solar Beam |
Lucario |
Fighting/Steel |
Counter |
Aura Sphere |
Garchomp |
Ground/Dragon |
Mud Shot |
Earthquake |
Kyogre |
Water |
Waterfall |
Hydro Pump |
Regirock is similar to the other two Regis — they’re both alright, but there are better alternatives. The fast moves Regirock can learn are Rock Throw (Rock), Rock Smash, and Lock-On. In PVEs, Rock Throw is the only viable skill for Regirock. In PVPs, you should pick Lock-On, for the same reasons as Regice and Registeel.
The charged moves Regirock can learn are Stone Edge (Rock), Focus Blast, and Zap Cannon (Electric). Stone Edge can benefit from STAB, so it should be the first choice. Stone Edge requires the least amount of energy as well. For its secondary move, you should teach Regirock Focus Blast.
There are two more titans to come in Pokemon GO, but we don’t know when they’ll appear. All we can do is wait to catch’em all!
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