Members from all 12 teams in the Overwatch League participated in Media Day held at Irvine, California and many Korean players were there to represent their teams.
Among the many pros, Fate, Kariv, and Envy from the LA Valiant had an exclusive interview with Inven and shared their thoughts on the Overwatch League.

Q. The LA Valiant has former members of Immortals, Soon and Unkoe from Rogue, and numlocked from NRG and all of them show great individual performance. How are you guys working as a team?
Fate: All players you mentioned are good at teamwork. Some pros are not great with teamwork and like to play by themselves, but our teammates are not. I enjoy working with them as a team.
Q. Do you communicate with your teammates in English? Isn’t it hard to communicate in English?
Fate: Of course. We communicate in English, and I don’t have any trouble communicating in English.
Q. The LA Valiant had 2 wins and 0 loss in the pre-season. How do you feel about the teams that you played against during the pre-season?
Fate: To be honest, it wasn’t that hard. The pros that we played against were not used to playing together as a team with their new teammates, and we were faster in working as a team.
Q. You won against the LA Gladiators, which is another OWL team based in LA. What do you think about the LA Gladiators?
Fate: Like I said before, I think we could win because we have great teamwork. But we also have better mechanics. Pretty much better everything. [Laughs]
Q. Who was the most impressive player that you’ve played against?
Fate: Striker in Boston Uprising. He’s not that famous yet but he’s really good.
Kariv: Danteh in San Francisco Shock. He’s really good in my opinion. But I think he god little nervous last time.
Envy: Fury in London Spitfire. We used to play in the same team, and he’s getting better and better. I’m actually learning from his gameplay.
Q. What is the biggest strength that your team has?
Envy: I’m so good at Overwatch. That’s the only strength that we have. [Laughs]
Kariv: The Support player’s skills. [Laughs]

Q. Any trouble living in the States?
Envy: Kariv and Envy don’t have any problems with food, but I do. The Korean food here are not that great, and I don’t enjoy American food that much. I order Korean food, and it’s kind of expensive.
Q. How are your team practice hours and personal practice hours?
Fate: We have a fixed team schedule for practicing together, and then we manage our personal practice hours after that.
Q. Since you are all professional players, all of you must have great aims. What are some other aspects that determine each player’s skills?
Fate: Aim is absolutely necessary, and moves are also important. But in my opinion, “game sense” is the most crucial thing. In other FPS games, you just walk around and shoot. But in Overwatch, you have to know the right moment to shoot. Prediction and using skills at the right moment are the factors that determine how good a player is at Overwatch.
Q. Which hero is the strongest hero in Overwatch at the moment? Are there any heroes that have to be nerfed?
Kariv: Mercy was nerfed recently… As a Support player, Tracer is the hero that is especially hard for me to deal with. She’s got survivability and can deal big amount of damage. She’s a headache for Support players. I wish Tracer is nerfed.
Envy: I hate Tracer too. I really hate Tracer… I usually play D.Va, and an enemy Tracer is always there to kill me. That’s why I hate Tracer.
Q. We had an interview with the Seoul Dynasty as well, and they said that their goal is to reach 80% win rate. What would be the win rate for the LA Valiant?
Kariv: Then we will go for 100%! Being confident is good. We have a lot of experience with Overwatch Esports, so I think we will do better.
Q. Anything the LA Valiant would like to say before the season begins?
Fate: We’ll try our best to win all the matches.
Kariv: We’ll show everyone more exciting games.
Envy: It’s the very first season for the Overwatch League and I’ll do my best to make this season more fun.
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