Ahh Zarya. A national hero, the strongest woman in the world, the character that is most able to break other character’s abilities. A tracer bomb? She laughs at, shield! A D.Va nuke? You must be joking, shield! Whatever you throw her way, she can handle. Oh also her damage ceiling is insane and she has one of the best ults in the game.
Ogon’ po gotovnosti!
1. Bonus points for variety.
This clip is so quintessentially Zarya; you get a sprinkling of everything. A tracking kill here, a punch there, and a pretty beefy Graviton Surge to top it all off.
As per usual, an offense hero swoops in at the last second to steal the final blow, but we all know who those kills really belong to.
2. You can almost taste the air horns after this shot.
Eat your heart straight out Hanzo. I don’t know the odds if this happening, but I’m choosing to believe that this is 100% calculated skill. Zarya is now confirmed to be the best sniper in the Overwatch, nobody can dispute it, case is closed.
3. Zarya’s newest, biggest fan.
It’s not particularly easy to land the perfect Graviton Surge. A lot of stars need to align, and you have to read the field pretty well. But when it happens, oh people definitely know. Just look at how happy Soldier:76 was to just be there. So cute to see him star struck like that.
4. High energy and perfect tracking, bad news for the other guys.
Lesson number one: jumping makes you so much easier to follow. Zarya just melts these guys down like it’s nothing. As someone who has been on the receiving end of rampaging Zaryas all too often, this one hits a little close to home.
5. At what point do we admit Nano Boost is good on every hero?
You really have to feel for the attacking team there. Not only were the victim to one of those perfect Surges, Zarya went Super Saiyan and unleashed her final attack. The BM at the end just adds insult to injury, but after a play like that you can hardly blame her.
6. The ultimate dragon ninja alley-oop.
Ok I lied, this is her final attack. To be fair, it’s a combo move that requires precisely one redemption-seeking dragon ninja. After an excellent set-up ult, Hanzo slams it in from all the way down court. An ult from spawn is a risky move, but sometimes that’s just what it takes.
Bonus clip! - Zunba's incredible ultimate vs. Meta Athena during OGN league match.
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