EnVyUs has showed us another victory in Overwatch APEX Season 3.
On May 23rd (KST), Team EnVyUs won against Rhinos Gaming Wings 3-0 in the second matchup of the day, continuing the team’s winning streak. Taimou, the DPS for EnVyUs, led the team to victory with his perfect aim. EnVyUs once again seized victory, with Effect and Taimou being the key players of the match.
Below is the post-match interview with Taimou.
How do you feel about today’s victory?
It was an easier victory than I expected. We never had a good Tracer player on our team before and it’s good to have one for us now. Tracer is especially crucial after Ana’s nerf. She can even fight 1:6. The perfect positioning for Tracer is to deal damage on the side while the other DPS draw the enemy’s attention.
You are on a 6-round winning streak. Your game performance is improving.
We are definitely getting better after Effect joined the team. Effect is not very good at English, but we can communicate with no problems. I usually do the shot calling. HarryHook and cocco assist me, and the rest of the members look after us. We still have room for improvement in terms of communication, but we are already doing great. I think we will get better and better as time goes.
How would you rank yourself as a DPS, worldwide?
One of the best if I don’t do the shotcalling. When I do, in the Top Ten. [smiles] Effect is like a rough diamond. Someone with that aim isn’t born every year. He sometimes tries to carry the game on his own since our communication isn’t perfect yet. If we can work on that, he’ll be a perfect DPS.
What are your thoughts towards Overwatch Contenders?
We don’t have that many big Overwatch leagues outside of Korea and I’m happy that we finally do. I think it will be more exciting if the Blizzard Overwatch League becomes the upper division and Overwatch Contenders become the lower division.
EnVyUs is especially famous for King’s Row. Is King’s Row actually your favorite map
Sometimes we do great in King’s Row, but other times we don’t. But King’s Row is our favorite map for sure. We need to play different heroes in different maps, but me and Effect couldn’t really show the hero pools that we have. If we can work on that, we’ll definitely do better in the future.
We’re seeing Sombra more often in the recent matches. What are your thoughts on Sombra, as a professional gamer?
Personally, I welcome this change. It’s easier for Sombra to deal damage when team fights continue and become faster. However, I think EMP is OP. I think it would be more exciting if Sombra could hack the health pack that the other Sombra already hacked. Right now, when the defending team chooses Sombra first, all health packs are already hacked when the attacking team’s Sombra engages.
Any last words?
Thank you all for supporting us. Go EnVyUs!
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