Solo Leveling: ARISE, Developer Livestream Q&A for 2.0 Update

Screenshot of the Korean YouTube Livestream


Key Points from the Live Q&A


Isn't the newly released Skill Rune particularly strong?

We had plans to gradually increase the power of Skill Runes overall, but we discovered that the new Skill Rune had some bugs, and its damage was measured higher than initially planned. However, we decided to keep it as is because it also involves some physical skill requirements and adds an element of fun. As a result, the performance gap between the new and old Skill Runes has been quite noticeable. Moving forward, we plan to gradually adjust and enhance the existing Skill Runes to balance things out.


Further details will be available in the upcoming developer notes, but for now, the Skill Runes that will be enhanced in the next update include: Dagger Toss (Detonation, Electric Shock, Ascension, Bombardment), Vital Strike (Hone In, On Point), Double Slash (Full Moon Wheel), The Commander's Touch (Black Hole), and Crushing Blow (Enlightened Break). These Runes are currently in development. Future improvements will aim to raise the power of these Runes to a level comparable to the recently released Sonic Stream: Magnifying Slash Rune.


When and how will the healing given stat be changed?

Healing given as a main stat will remain unchanged. However, the substat for Healing Given Increase will be changed to increase mana recovery. This adjustment will be reflected in the next update.


Sung Jinwoo feels too weak.

As the episode progresses, you will see Sung Jinwoo gradually grow stronger. We are considering various ways to enhance his performance, such as adding new skills and advancements. For now, the focus is on preparing him for the Jeju Island Raid.


Hunters often misuse their ultimate skills in team fights.

We are preparing to add a feature that allows users to manually use their ultimate skills during team fights.


The settlement time for the Battlefield of Time is too long, and the rest period is excessive.

This will be improved in the upcoming update.


When will rewards for over 400 million score in the Power of Destruction be added?

In September, the reward stages will be expanded up to 1 billion damage. You will be able to obtain custom draw tickets from the reward chests, and the damage meter, similar to that used for guild bosses, will be applied.


When will the red dot bug in the menu be fixed?

This is a particularly bothersome bug, and it will be fixed in the upcoming update.


Why are there dual pickups for new hunters?

The upcoming Workshop of Brilliant Light requires Dark Attribute hunters, so we believed it was necessary to release them sooner. We will discuss ways to support players with tickets or hunters to reduce their burden.


There's an issue where Elemental Weakness damage is not properly applied to bracelets.

This will be fixed in the September update.


There should be rewards when acquiring an additional +10 enhancement hunter.

We are preparing to improve this by October. The reward will be about two hunter weapon blueprints, and players who have already acquired hunters after +10 enhancement will receive the rewards after the update as well.


The challenge mode difficulty in the Battlefield of Trials is too high.

We’ve noticed a sudden increase in difficulty after floor 11. After the next update, there will be an adjustment to lower the difficulty by around 2 floors.


It would be nice to have a way to check guild rankings.

We are preparing this for the October update.


Can we trust the leaked information about future hunters?

While visual elements, such as character designs, might appear early in the lobby, the actual stats and specifications are not finalized internally, so the final details are uncertain.


When will the Special Summons list be updated?

The Special Summons list is updated on a specific schedule. Players will be informed of the exact timing of these updates via announcements.


It's too difficult to get the desired options on artifacts.

We are preparing an event related to artifact crafting.


Will there be an expansion for Blessing Stone slots?

We've reviewed it internally, but the update schedule and specific details have not been confirmed yet.


Will there be any PvP content added?

It seems unlikely that PvP content will be added this year. For now, we're focusing on single-player content.


Phone overheats while playing.

The new content and flashy effects have increased the heat generation. Reducing the graphics settings should help lower the temperature.


Major hunters like Baek Yoonho are underperforming.

We plan to continuously improve not only the original hunters but all hunters to ensure they remain useful. We understand players have high expectations for the original hunters, and you'll encounter them one by one as the story progresses.


Han Se-mi feels too weak.

As a support hunter, she may feel less impactful compared to dealers. We will review her balance internally.


The daily rewards from the subscription need improvement.

We plan to enhance the rewards, and you can check the changes in a future update note.


It would be nice to have guild chat.

There are concerns about potential negative behavior, so there are currently no plans to implement it.


Can you release a new skin for Sung Jinwoo?

We are planning to release several new skins along with collaboration content.


The new hunters, Harper and Charlotte, don't align with the original lore.

Besides original characters, we value expanding the universe by introducing a variety of hunters. We're working closely with the original creators to create new hunters that reflect the extended lore, so think of it as uncovering hunters active in parts of the world we haven't seen.


Why are only female hunters being added?

There are male characters like Thomas Andre and Goto Ryuji coming in future updates. We're also working on skins, so please stay tuned.

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