The Overwatch 2 beta is highly anticipated now that a date has been revealed. But April 26 is too far for some fans to wait after all these delays, leading to some possible leaks from the Overwatch 2 Alpha.
Some images have allegedly been shared from Overwatch 2's Alpha, which is currently available for pro players, Blizzard employees, and other exclusive testers. The alleged screenshots show a new "unranked" game mode, the game's title screen, and the hero gallery.
The images have been deleted but fans on Reddit have been discussing if the leak is valid or not. The images show that the Alpha version of Overwatch 2 doesn't have competitive, arcade, custom games, or experimental at the moment. But there is an unranked mode, similar to the first Overwatch game's Quick Play.

The hero roster leak shows Doomfist under the tank category. This is something that was confirmed by an Overwatch developer earlier in March along with many other hero updates. Lead Hero Designer Geoff Goodman explained: “Doomfist’s kit is full of crowd control effects and mobility, which makes it difficult to tune and balance him as a DPS in OW2. As a tank, though, he can keep those key properties to his kit since those can fit nicely into a tank role (mostly the crowd control stuff).”

Some questioned the validity of the screenshots since some of the heroes on the roster didn't have their new designs. One Reddit user also noted that the Sojourn image looked like it was taken from the concept art. But some questioned why someone would put in so much effort to create such a boring fake roster image.
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