An Overwatch 2 leak has the Overwatch 2 community concerned that Sojourn is going to be overpowered in the yet-to-be-released sequel to Overwatch.
GGRecon recently leaked some non-public information about Overwatch 2, including the abilities of some prominent heroes. This included Sojourn. According to the report, Overwatch League players who signed non-disclosure agreements secretly claimed that Sojourn was "overtuned."
The Overwatch 2 alpha participants from the Overwatch League claimed that Sojourn was able to deal an "oppressive amount of damage" with her rail gun, even one-shotting heroes with 200 HP. her Disrupt Shot ability also had players worried, since the disruptive shield was able to move so freely and had such a short cooldown (five seconds).
Overwatch 2 developers have already responded to the leaks since it caused such an uproar within the Overwatch community. Overwatch Commercial Leader Jon Spector acknowledged the concerns with Sojourn and the other reworked heroes (including Doomfist, now a tank).
"Sojourn, Orisa, and Doomfist will likely have more rounds of significant balance updates before we finalize our Beta build," he tweeted, adding that they'd be coming closer to April 26 when the Overwatch 2 beta becomes available to PC players.
Developers have already hinted that a big balance patch has already occurred, which could have already addressed Sojourn's overpowered kit. But it's currently unclear how many changes will happen and what those changes will be leading up to the Overwatch 2 beta.
For now, the Overwatch community will have to continue waiting for updates — nothing new for them at this point. Details should be coming late April regarding hero balance and abilities as well as a new ping system and more.
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