Lunatic-Hai earned their chance to take the revenge on RunAway as the team won 3-2 after being driven to the edge of the cliff of being reverse-swept by Meta Athena. Lunatic-Hai stood strong in the first two sets each in Nepal and Eichenwalde without giving much room for Meta Athena to unfold the game as they intended to. Lunatic-Hai was aggressive and coordinated while Meta Athena had hard time getting through without being able to connect individual plays through the chain.
Starting from set 3 Hanamura, however, Meta Athena began to strike back ferociously while also drawing some of the hidden cards that they are well-known for. The match went all five rounds as Meta Athena even took set 4 Dorado, showing another creative team flank with Mei wall with Lúcio’s boost that allowed the entire team to climb over the rooftop and strike Lunatic-Hai from behind. ChangSik’s quadra kill Earthshatter followed by Sayaplayer’s McCree simply wiped Lunatic-Hai off the payload, sealing Meta Athena’s emblem on set 4.
The reverse sweep seemed feasible, but Meta Athena could not push the payload far enough in set 5 Hollywood. Meanwhile, on Lunatic-Hai's side, EscA back in his form with his top-tier teammates stormed through the control point and moved the payload rather smoothly, ultimately sealing their spot in the grand finals. Below is the post-match press interview with Seungjoon “Whoru” Lee, who contributed to the team’s victory as Genji, Soldier: 76, D.Va, and more.
How do you feel advancing to the finals after all five rounds?
I got so nervous when the game went all the way to the fifth round. I almost lost my mind there, but we spoke to ourselves that we would get together and push through as a team. The victory is even more rewarding because it was a tough battle that we fought.
Meta Athena was striking back heavily starting from set 3. What did you guys speak to each other right before set 5 began?
We were discouraged quite badly. Jehong cheered us up and pulled us together as a team. We also tried to be more confident in coming up with team comps, trying hard as if it were our first battle.
Meta Athena’s ChangSik was quite ferocious today. What was it like to go against him?
I got less pressure from his Reinhardt than I did from KAISER’s. His Winston did pose threat to me and Jehong, and that made things tougher for us to deal with.
We are seeing more diversity in hero picks after the patches. Do you feel that the game is different from before?
I think the current meta is a really fast-paced one. We had been playing mostly tanks in the past, but the patches have made the game faster in general. I think it suits well with our team.
Miro’s Winston came back after the patch. What was it like to fight with him while you were playing Genji?
I can trust him when we play, because I think he is the best one out there. Our teamwork just makes everything go even smoother.
You are hitting the grand finals in your first season in Lunatic-Hai. Did you expect to come this far?
I just set the goal of winning the tournament rather than expecting something. I played with confidence, and happened to advance to the finals.
You are going against RunAway once again. What are your thoughts about the matchup this time?
We were too careless in the previous match. We just didn’t didn't expect to lose, so everyone was really low after losing one set. We are different now.
We might also see another Genji duel in between you and Haksal. What do you think about Haksal’s Genji?
He has his own strengths and weaknesses. I do acknowledge his strength in playing Genji.
The fans were shouting “don’t be careless” as they were cheering for you. What was the team’s reaction to that?
We just laughed and told each other to stay alert, although I do think we let our guard down after winning set 2. I think we were too relaxed and made mistakes in the two sets that we lost. We were back on focus in the last set, and I think that’s how we could win the fight today.
Last words?
I jumped right into APEX as I came to Lunatic-Hai, and the team made it to the finals. I think I’ll get nervous again because it will be such a huge stage. I will, however, reward our fans with victory for their support.
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