The Overwatch League community is horrified by some of the changes coming to Overwatch's PvP mode when the new game drops.
In a live stream earlier today, Blizzard developers showed off some major changes coming to Overwatch 2's multiplayer mode. This included teams downsizing to 5v5. The role lock also changed to two PDS, two support, and one tank. This was due to the Overwatch teams new and more aggressive approach to tank heroes in Overwatch 2.
But the competitive community feels that Blizzard didn't consult pro players, teams, or analysts at all before making such major changes to PvP's composition.
Upon hearing the news about the smaller teams, Atlanta Reign's coach Max "Unter" Unterwurzache tweeted: "Blizzard just cut more players midseason than LA Valiant."
While smaller teams definitely mean benched pros once Overwatch 2 drops, nobody was more concerned about the changes than tank players. With only one tank player per team come Overwatch 2, many pro tank mains understandably expressed uncertainty about their future in the Overwatch League.
"Any fellow tank player scared for their job?" asked Philadelphia Fusion off-tank Gael "Poko" Gouzerch.
Atlanta Reign tank and GOATS meta co-founder Blake "Gator" Scott tweeted: "Imagine spending five years to perfect your role just for it to be deleted while knowing your role does not translate to another. You're expected to give all you got till the end of the season."
The Overwatch community has been assuming that 5v5 with one tank was created to lower queue times. And Blizzard developers claim 5v5 with one tank is a result of the game needing a new playstyle. But a lot of professional players seem to think this was a move directed at the Overwatch League entirely.
"If you think the shift to 5v5 for Overwatch 2 has anything to do with game balance and not just saving the Overwatch League some money then oh boy do I have a bridge to sell you. Good luck to the current OWL tank players and any aspiring OWL pros - you're going to need it," Overwatch streamer and former coach Justin "Jayne" Conroy tweeted.
Even though others in the esports industry responded that Blizzard would never make any decisions that revolve around the Overwatch League, it was hard for many to deny the valid fear of professional tank players, whether Blizzard considered them or not when changing to 5v5.
Overwatch fans have been impatiently awaiting the Overwatch 2 release date, which now seems to be sometime in 2022 (at the earliest). But it wouldn't be surprising if tank mains in the Overwatch League are hoping for further delays in the sequel's development.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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