LW Blue, after all five rounds of ferocious battle against Afreeca Freecs Blue, was finally able to stand as the winner of Group B Losers' Match. The team grabbed the chance to fight in Decider Match against KongDoo Panthera next week, of which the winner will advance to semifinals. Both teams ran on full throttle today, with ferocious teamfights and brawls that continuously tilted the game back and forth. Below is the walkthrough of today's matchup in between Afreeca Freecs Blue and LW Blue.
Set 1 KotH: Illios
The first round in Illios set out as Recry and Fl0w3R stood off each other both as Widowmaker. Fl0w3R seemed to have won the sniper duel however, as LW Blue became the first to take the point rather easily thanks to Fl0w3R's long-range poke and Mek0's Roadhog. On the other hand, AF Blue had a hard time staying coordinated, especially as seen through ArHaN's Genji not connecting with the rest of the team and Mano displaced from his teammates. LW Blue easily took the first round.
The second round saw Saebyeolbe back on Roadhog While Fl0w3R played Tracer. LW Blue was the first to take the point, and that was when Recry switched to Pharah right away. AF Blue seemed a little shaky. There were multiple times when Mano's Winston was separated from the rest of his team and was shut down by Mek0's Roadhog. AF Blue managed to come back and capture the point when LW had 60% on the meter, with a successful teamfight centered around Recry's Barrage that followed right after his consistent poke. LW reclaimed the point later on with the big push along with Graviton and Whole Hog. AF Blue tried to fight back, but Recry's Barrage was immediately shut down by Saebyeolbe's hook. ArHaN, however, managed to dive in with Dragonblade and get decent damage done before he went down. AF Blue reclaimed the point and won the round.
Both AF and LW Blue played dive comp in the third round. LW Blue took the first point and successfully zoned out AF Blue from reaching the point, but AF Blue soon made a comeback even without using much of their ults. They, however, slipped in their ult connection as Ana Sleep Darted Zarya when her HP was one digit. LW Blue took the point, and carried it to victory and sealed the first set as theirs.
Set 2 hybrid: King's Row
LW Blue on offense
Fl0w3R's Hanzo showed some notable plays as he shut down Recry just as he popped the Visor. The loss was crucial, and AF Blue was unable to hold stable enough defense. LW Blue took the point without much hassle, while even keeping their ult advantage. The payload started rolling. Mek0 and Fl0w3R connected Graviton Surge and Dragonstrike on AF Blue, which did not directly lead to kills but did enough damage to continue the push. Both teams' Reinhardts were Nano Boosted before they started hammering each other, and Man0 won the duel. He continued the aggressive lead and drove LW Blue away from the payload, even landing Earthshatter with successful followups when LW tried to get back on the payload. Recry's Barrage put an end to LW Blue's last-minute attempt to push the payload, halting the push before it reached the second checkpoint.
AF Blue on offense
Recry set out with Hanzo, but had to switch back to McCree after unsuccessful attempts. The momentum for AF Blue came right after LW Blue invested most of their ults to wipe AF Blue out of the control point. DongHyuN's Graviton hooked on the wall and pulled in his enemies including Reinhardt, and the follow-up from the rest of AF Blue picked up multiple kills and helped AF Blue take the point. However, soon after AF Blue began to push their payload down the alley, Fl0w3R's Dragonblade followed by janus' Earthshatter wiped AF Blue off from the payload. LW Blue started pushing the payload backwards and Mek0 even managed to sneak in to drop Graviton, but ArHaN's Nanoblade soon picked up multiple kills, allowing AF Blue to continue the push. Skirmishes and teamfights continued and each side pushed the other back and forth, and both teams entered a long Overtime as ferocious brawl continued on and on with the payload an inch away from AF Blue winning the set. AF Blue ultimately won the battle as Saebyeolbe went down after his last attempt as Tracer.
Set 3 assault: Temple of Anubis
LW Blue on offense
With Fl0w3R on Widowmaker, LW Blue initiated a successful push after Saebyeolbe sneak-hooked and shut down Ana. AF Blue managed to hold them back a little, but Saebyeolbe’s Whole Hog soon popped, pushing AF Blue away and claiming the point rather quickly. LW Blue continued their push and went inside Point B, and ArHaN switched to Sombra right after he used Dragonblade and died. However, that was not enough to hold back LW Blue that sustained their aggressive push. LW Blue captured the point in their second attempt without too much delay or hardship. LW Blue took both points quickly, leaving ample time of 4:40 in the time bank.
AF Blue on offense
AF Blue went for a dive comp, but their first push was shut down one by one. AF Blue had stronger push starting from the second attempt, and the team calmly carried on the dive and connection while LW Blue rather choked and wasted their ults. AF Blue took the first point quite easily, but the team pushed too far and did not successfully connect the ults while Fl0w3R’s Nanoblade shut AF Blue down one by one. AF blue managed to group-flank through the dark room next to Point B, but were wiped out by Fl0w3R’s Dragonblade. Recry, having his Deadeye shut down by Fl0w3R, switched to Tracer. The next attempt by AF Blue was stopped once again by Fl0w3R's Dragonblade, reminding fans of the Genji duel ArHaN once said in an interview that he cared a lot about. AF Blue did not find much chance until the rest of their time burned out, and let LW Blue take the set.
Set 4 escort: Dorado
AF Blue on offense
Recry managed to poke a decent amount of damage as Pharah, but Fl0w3R’s Soldier: 76 continuously pumped DPS and shooed AF Blue away from the payload. However, AF Blue came back with a stable push with Recry’s Pharah flanking around to shoot LW Blue from the behind. The push continued with DongHyuN’s Graviton topped with Recry’s Barrage, and AF Blue walked past the first checkpoint. AF Blue steadily pushed the payload close to the second checkpoint, but LW Blue put a halt to that as Fl0w3R picked up multiple kills with McCree. He even killed both of AF Blue’s healers right away with Deadeye and further sustained the hold. AF Blue’s next attempt was halted by Mek0’s Graviton topped with Saebyeolbe’s Pulse Bomb, and they could not get past the second checkpoint, only scoring one point before switching sides.
LW Blue on offense
LW Blue set off to steadily push the payload with Fl0w3R’s Genji taking a long way around to flank AF Blue from behind. His effort was not in vain, as AF Blue, distracted, allowed LW Blue step deep inside closer to the first checkpoint. Recry had to cancel his Deadeye right away because of Flower’s Genji coming at him, but promptly shut him down with Fan the Hammer. He picked up some more kills after that, halting the payload and forcing LW Blue to regroup. LW Blue, on the other hand, returned with Luna playing Zenyatta instead of Ana. The strategical decision paid off, as Saebyeolbe’s Pulse Bomb successfully connected to Reinhardt with Orb of Discord allowing LW Blue to melt AF Blue. Saebyeolbe switched to Soldier: 76 as the payload reached the checkpoint, and LW Blue continued their push despite AF Blue’s ferocious attacks. LW Blue had harder time moving the payload as it came closer to where AF Blue stopped. Investing all the ults they had was simply not enough to loosen up AF Blue’s defense. LW Blue, unable to push the payload further, let AF Blue claim the set.
Set 5 hybrid Numbani
LW Blue on offense
LW Blue successfully worked their dive comp and captured the point rather easily. The payload started rolling, and LW Blue steadily pushed forward as the team continuously invested ults and Fl0w3R picked up multiple kills. His Barrage went further to wipe AF Blue off the payload right after reaching the second checkpoint, and the team was already close to making full push when there were ample 4 minutes remaining. AF Blue’s resistance seemed humble, and LW Blue easily reached the third checkpoint with Saebyeolbe’s Whole Hog pushing AF Blue back to their respawn zone.
AF Blue on offense
While LW Blue put in Torbjörn instead of Lúcio for defense, AF Blue went for a dive comp with D.Va and Winston. Both sides picked up multiple kills, but AF Blue was unable to build the meter on control point as much while also lacking ult advantage. LW Blue maintained their stable defense and did a good job managing their ults. AF Blue changed their comp with Recry switching to Widowmaker, but luck was not on their side as Saebyeolbe’s continuously picked up multiple kills with Visor. AF Blue went down without even scoring a single point, and LW Blue decorated today’s victory with a decisive victory in the final set.
Overwatch APEX Season 2 Group B Losers' Match
LW Blue 3 vs 2 Afreeca Freecs Blue
Set 1 Ilios: LW Blue vs AF Blue
Set 2 King's Row: LW Blue vs AF Blue
Set 3 Temple of Anubis: LW Blue vs AF Blue
Set 4 Dorado: LW Blue vs AF Blue
Set 5 Numbani: LW Blue vs AF Blue
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