The second matchup of APEX quarterfinals today featured KongDoo Panthera going against LW Blue. LW Blue showed strong standing in the beginning as they won the first two sets and pushed KD Panthera against the wall. However, KD Panthera slowly made a comeback starting from set 3 Hanamura, further securing additional wins in the sets that followed and ultimately winning the game 3-2. KD Panthera will play against Meta Athena in Winners' Match this Friday, while LW Blue will play against AF Blue in Losers' Match also this Friday.
Below is the walkthrough of today's matchup in between KongDoo Panthera and LW Blue.
Set 1 KotH: Lijiang Tower
KD Panthera claimed the first victory in Night Market as the team successfully held off LW Blue and maintained control of the point. The hype was especially strong in the second round at Control Center, when Fl0w3R deflected wakawaka's Graviton Surge and Dragonbladed the entire KD Panthera. He topped his stylish play with Genji emote, and LW Blue pushed further to win the round. The third round began with a Reinhardt standoff, and LW Blue took hold of the control point while keeping pressure on KD Panthera, ultimately winning the round. KD Panthera managed to make a comeback and gain control of the point, but LW Blue's well-positioned counterstrike soon regained control of the point with Saebyeolbe's crucial Hooks that allowed LW Blue turn the battle into their favor. janus' Reinhardt also stood strong maintaining control on the point and zoning KD Panthera off. LW Blue sealed the round and claimed victory in the first set. Meanwhile, KD Panthera saw its winning streak break for the first time in this season's APEX.
Set 2 Hybrid: Numbani
Set 2 Numbani saw both teams coming up with standard team compositions. Each team's Reinhardt stood off each other while Pharah and Soldier: 76 continuously pumped DPS and zoned the enemies off. Ult combinations centered around Zarya and Ana popped continuously, and both teams scored all three points in the first two rounds. LW Blue made a good use of the 30-second advantage in the time bank, as the team successfully held off KD Panthera from Point A and took the point when it was their turn to attack.
Set 3 KotH: Hanamura
Set 3 Hanamura saw KD Panthera zone into the narrow stairway when the team was trying to take control of Point B. LW Blue managed to push them off with Mei and Zarya combo, but KD Panthera shifted things around as the team spotted the small mistake on LW Blue's side and took control of both points. When it was LW Blue's turn to attack, the team saw Fl0w3R deflect another ult as he deflected Mei's Blizzard tossed by Rascal. LW Blue did not miss this chance and pushed further to take Point B. EVERMORE continuously landed his Hooks on point in the additional rounds that followed, ending the game with KD Panthera's victory.
Set 4 Escort: Dorado
LW Blue came up with Pharmercy combo in set 4 Dorado. EVERMORE's Hooks continuously dismantled Pharmercy and pulled a solid defense, but LW Blue made it past the first checkpoint. LW Blue did have a tough time dealing with KD Panthera's defense that suppressed the team from advancing forward, and the team even made the mistake of not contesting the payload when it was just steps away from the second checkpoint. KD Panthera, on the other hand, swiftly took the checkpoints and carried the game all the way towards set 5.
Set 5 Hybrid: Eichenwalde
While LW dwindled and started to lose focus, KD Panthera made a successful comeback and turned the battle around in their favor. LW Blue did manage to take Point A, but could not push the payload as they were continuously halted by KD Panthera's solid defense followed by fissure's Earthshatter from the side that connected to multiple kills. KD Panthera parked LW Blue's payload very closely to the starting point of the payload, and did not have much hardship breaking through LW Blue's defense as they pushed the payload past the spot where LW Blue stopped. KD Panthera secured another win in the last set, making an epic comeback and winning the match 3-2.
Overwatch APEX Season 2 Quarterfinals Group B Match Results
KongDoo Panthera 3 vs 2 LW Blue
Set 1 Lijiang Tower: KongDoo Panthera vs. LW Blue
Set 2 Numbani: KongDoo Panthera vs. LW Blue
Set 3 Hanamura: KongDoo Panthera vs. LW Blue
Set 4 Dorado: KongDoo Panthera vs. LW Blue
Set 5 Eichenwalde: KongDoo Panthera vs. LW Blue
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