Bone Shooter IIReturn to List

Basic Information
Name Bone Shooter II Rarity 1
Attack 165 Affinity 0%
Slots - - -
DeviationAverageCustom Mods1
Special AmmoWyvernsnipe
Required to Upgrade
Required Cost
Required to Upgrade
Monster Bone S x2
Ammo Types
Ammo Capacity Recoil Reload Special
Lv1 Normal Ammo 9 Low Normal
Lv2 Normal Ammo 6 Average Normal
Lv3 Normal Ammo 5 Average Slow
Lv1 Pierce Ammo 7 Average Slow
Lv1 Spread Ammo 6 Low Normal
Lv2 Spread Ammo 4 Average Normal
Lv1 Sticky Ammo 3 Average Slow
Lv1 Cluster Bomb 2 Average Very Slow
Lv1 Recover Ammo 2 High Very Slow
Lv1 Poison Ammo 4 Average Slow
Lv1 Paralysis Ammo 3 High Slow
Lv1 Sleep Ammo 3 Average Slow
Slicing Ammo 3 High Very Slow
Wyvern Ammo 1 - Very Slow
Demon Ammo 2 High Very Slow
Tranq Ammo 3 Average Slow
Upgrade Tree
Bone Shooter II

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