King Beetle Cruraα Return to List

Basic Information
Name King Beetle Cruraα Parts Legs
Rarity 5 Defense 42
Slots 1-- Elements Resistance
fire -1
water -1
thunder 2
ice 0
dragon 2

Forager's Luck

Evade Window

Name King Beetle Cruraα
Parts Legs
Rarity 5
Defense 42
Slots 1--
Elements Resistance
fire -1
water -1
thunder 2
ice 0
dragon 2
Option Forager's Luck Evade Window
Required materials
Required Cost 6000
Required Materials
Skill Details
Name Effect
Forager's Luck

Lv1. Increases the likelihood of rare gathering point respawning.

Evade Window

Lv1. Very slightly increases invulnerability window.

Lv2. Slightly increases invulnerability window.

Lv3. Increases invulnerability window.

Lv4. Greatly increases invulnerability window.

Lv5. Massively increases invulnerability window.

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