Girros Vambraces Return to List

Basic Information
Name Girros Vambraces Parts Arms
Rarity 3 Defense 20
Slots --- Elements Resistance
fire 0
water -3
thunder 2
ice 0
dragon 1

Palico Rally

Name Girros Vambraces
Parts Arms
Rarity 3
Defense 20
Slots ---
Elements Resistance
fire 0
water -3
thunder 2
ice 0
dragon 1
Option Palico Rally
Required materials
Required Cost 1500
Required Materials
Skill Details
Name Effect
Palico Rally

Lv1. Increases Palico attack power and defense by 5%.

Lv2. Increases Palico attack power and defense by 10%.

Lv3. Increases Palico attack power and defense by 15%.

Lv4. Increases Palico attack power and defense by 20%.

Lv5. Increases Palico attack power and defense by 25%.

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