Commission Beltα Return to List

Basic Information
Name Commission Beltα Parts Waist
Rarity 8 Defense 70
Slots 1-- Elements Resistance
fire 2
water 2
thunder 2
ice 2
dragon 2


Pro Transporter

Name Commission Beltα
Parts Waist
Rarity 8
Defense 70
Slots 1--
Elements Resistance
fire 2
water 2
thunder 2
ice 2
dragon 2
Option Mushroomancer Pro Transporter
Required materials
Required Cost 20000
Required Materials
Skill Details
Name Effect

Lv1. Lets you digest blue mushrooms and toadstools.

Lv2. Additionally lets you digest nitroshrooms and parashrooms.

Lv3. Additionally lets you digest mandragoras, devil's blight, and exciteshrooms.

Pro Transporter

Lv1. Increases movement speed while transporting and reduces downtime on landings.

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