Barroth Coilα Return to List

Basic Information
Name Barroth Coilα Parts Waist
Rarity 5 Defense 42
Slots --- Elements Resistance
fire -3
water -1
thunder 3
ice -1
dragon 0

Muck Resistance


Name Barroth Coilα
Parts Waist
Rarity 5
Defense 42
Slots ---
Elements Resistance
fire -3
water -1
thunder 3
ice -1
dragon 0
Option Muck Resistance Guard
Required materials
Required Cost 4000
Required Materials
Skill Details
Name Effect
Muck Resistance

Lv1. Reduces limits on movement speed and evasion.


Lv1. Very slightly decreases the impact of attacks.

Lv2. Slightly decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 15%.

Lv3. Greatly decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 15%.

Lv4. Greatly decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 30%.

Lv5. Greatly decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 50%.

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