Cast a gust of wind to inflict 236 Damage and knock down foes.
Attack type: Front Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Counter: Yes
- Tier 1
- Opens at Tripod Skill Lv. 4
- Tier 2
- Opens at Tripod Skill Lv. 7
- Tier 3
- Opens at Tripod Skill Lv. 10
Released Will
Cast a gust of wind to inflict 236 Damage and knock down foes.
Attack type: Front Attack
Super Armor: Paralysis Immunity
Counter: Yes
※ Hover over Tripod to see information by level.
Backup distance while using the skill +2 meters. With Storm Stampede, this distance is +1 meter.
Has a 67.0% chance to not consume any MP.
On hit, Ancient Energy obtained +75.0%.
On skill use, grants Push Immunity.
Element is now [Water]. No longer knocks down foe. On hit, inflicts the target with the Freeze effect for 4.0s.
Element is now [Earth]. No longer knocks down foe. Casting Speed + 20.0% due to the power of Sand Wind. On hit, foe Atk. Speed -28.8% and Move Speed -57.6% for 3.0s.
Spins and attacks all nearby foes.
MP Cost +50%. Outgoing Damage +145.0%.
Information by skill level