Normal Adventurer's Tome
Luterra's scholars studied the salt of Yudia from various aspects, but they couldn't come to a definite conclusion.
The one thing they know for sure is that there is a special kind of salt in Yudia that has a magical power.
Ever since Vern and various other countries started using Solar Salt in their magick studies and experiments, foreign visitors have been pouring into Yudia.
"I can't be sure, but this salt seems like it was infused with power from outside this world.
"Do I sound crazy? Solar Salt must be related to the spells of the ancient shamans in Yudia.
"The salt desert that emerged out of the blue five hundred years ago... as well as the legend of the lost kingdom.
"Doesn't it excite you, the idea of an unknown world somewhere out there?"
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[Continent] Yudia