Lion Mask

Lion Mask

The Lion Mask used in the Battle of the Lions in Changhun. It is an image of an animal that defeated disaster long ago.

[Reputation] Port City Changhun - Free-Ranging the Rabbits


[Reputation] Port City Changhun - Free-Ranging the Rabbits

Collection Bonus Info
  • Set Name/Card
  • Collection Bonus
  • Lion Dance (2)

    Collect 2 Cards : Endurance +1

    Collect 2 Cards(Awakening Level Total 4) : Bonus vs. Beasts +0.06%

    Collect 2 Cards(Awakening Level Total 8) : Bonus vs. Beasts +0.07%

    Collect 2 Cards(Awakening Level Total 10) : Bonus vs. Beasts +0.07%