The sly, insidious captain of the Redfin Pirates. He wants Tortoyk's Ark to lift the curse that turned him into a merpirate.
[Dungeons] Pirate Den
[Quest] Mokoko Village - There and Back Again
The sly, insidious captain of the Redfin Pirates. He wants Tortoyk's Ark to lift the curse that turned him into a merpirate.
[Dungeons] Pirate Den
[Quest] Mokoko Village - There and Back Again
[Dungeons] Pirate Den
[Quest] Mokoko Village - There and Back Again
Collect 5 Cards : Strength +3, Dexterity +3, Intelligence +3
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 10) : Bonus vs. Humanoids +0.06%
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 20) : Bonus vs. Humanoids +0.07%
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 25) : Bonus vs. Humanoids +0.07%
Collect 5 Cards : Endurance +2
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 10) : Bonus vs. Plants +0.06%
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 20) : Bonus vs. Plants +0.07%
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 25) : Bonus vs. Plants +0.07%
Collect 5 Cards : Endurance +2
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 10) : Bonus vs. Demons +0.06%
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 20) : Bonus vs. Demons +0.07%
Collect 5 Cards(Awakening Level Total 25) : Bonus vs. Demons +0.07%
Collect 4 Cards : Endurance +1
Collect 4 Cards(Awakening Level Total 8) : Bonus vs. Demons +0.06%
Collect 4 Cards(Awakening Level Total 16) : Bonus vs. Demons +0.07%
Collect 4 Cards(Awakening Level Total 20) : Bonus vs. Demons +0.07%