The bow given to the greatest Lazenith warrior of each generation. Means god's fury.
[Achievement Complete] Beginning of a New Story
The bow given to the greatest Lazenith warrior of each generation. Means god's fury.
[Achievement Complete] Beginning of a New Story
[Achievement Complete] Beginning of a New Story
2 Set Bonus : Max HP +4.00%
4 Set Bonus : Max HP +4.00%
6 Set Bonus : Max HP +4.00%
6 Set Bonus(30 piece Awakening) : Successful attacks create a chance of Crit Rate +24% for 10s.
Collect 6 Cards : Vitality +5
Collect 6 Cards(Awakening Level Total 12) : Bonus vs. Beasts +0.06%
Collect 6 Cards(Awakening Level Total 24) : Bonus vs. Beasts +0.07%
Collect 6 Cards(Awakening Level Total 30) : Bonus vs. Beasts +0.07%