Lost Ark introduced the Ark pass and available skins in their store, including a special Glaivier package. Their full post is as follows.
Heroes of Arkesia,
The April Update introduces a new skin set, the Ark Pass, special packages for the new Glaivier Advanced Class, and more! We’ll start off by showcasing some of the new cosmetics, and follow it up by comparing the three tiers of the Ark Pass, so you can decide whether you want to stick with the free track or dive into one of the premium ones.
A special package to celebrate the launch of the Glaivier Advanced Class! Includes the following items:
Graceful Monkey Skin Set (Armor & Weapon skins)
Radiant Golden Cloud Mount
"Spearbearer" Title
Blazing Spear Weapon Skin
The Glaivier Special Package is available in exchange for 3,700 Royal Crystals. The Graceful Monkey Skin Set and Radiant Golden Cloud Mount will arrive unbound, and are tradeable. The Title and Blazing Spear weapon skin are roster bound.
Includes the Graceful Monkey Armor and Weapon skin set. There are two ways players can acquire via the in-game store:
Royal Crystals: Available in exchange for 2,400 Royal Crystals. The skin will arrive unbound, and is tradeable.
Crystals: Available in exchange for 1,000 Crystals. The skin is character bound and cannot be traded, with a limit of 1 per character.
Also available in the Super Premium Ark Pass (learn more in the next section), the Noble Banquet skin collection has been added to the in-game store in exchange for Crystals.
The Noble Banquet Armor Skin Chest is available individually for 840 Crystals. The skin is character bound and cannot be traded, with a limit of 1 per character.
The Noble Banquet Weapon Skin Chest is available individually for 270 Crystals. The skin is character bound and cannot be traded, with a limit of 1 per character.
The Ark Pass adds new ways for players to earn impactful rewards just by playing Lost Ark. With the Ark Pass, players can complete missions to progress their Ark Pass levels— and with each level you reach, you’ll earn rewards. The regular Ark Pass is completely free, and grants a variety of helpful rewards, such as honing material selection chests, pirate coins, and even a mount! Ark Pass progress is earned across your entire roster, and the rewards are roster bound.
In addition to the regular, free Ark Pass, players can exchange Royal Crystals for two additional reward tracks— Premium & Super Premium— that layer in more rewards. The Premium Ark Pass will add additional rewards at every level that players will earn alongside the free rewards. Some examples include more honing material selection chests, gems, rapport chests, and a Vertus Pet! On top of the Regular & Premium rewards, the Super Premium Ark Pass layers in selection chests for the Noble Banquet skin collection, the Noble Banquet Wallpaper, and some legendary rapport chests throughout the 30 levels of the Ark Pass.
The Premium pass is available in exchange for 1,500 Royal Crystals, and the Super Premium (all rewards + Noble Banquet skins) for 3,000 Royal Crystals. If you start off Premium, you can upgrade to Super Premium for an additional 1,500 Royal Crystals.
The Premium and Super Premium Ark Passes will be available via the in-game store until June 18, and progress can be earned until July 14.
A few other minor store updates have taken place in the April Update. Some item quantities have been adjusted in Mari’s Secret Shop, and a few new Crystal bundles are available in the in-game store.
Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Arkesia.
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