[8.19.1]The Thorns of The Rift
(Last updated on October 8, 2018)
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[8.19.1]The Thorns of The Rift
(Last updated on October 8, 2018)
Views 7.0K
She has very little lane presence compared to you because of her low damage abilities. You should try to dodge her tornado as it can knock you up and allow the enemy ADC to follow-up. When trading in lane, she will most likely use her shield after you manage to root her or her ADC so try to wait out her shield before using the rest of your damage abilities or aim the target she did not shield as she can only shield one ally with her E.
Morgana does not have as much damage as you and is extremely reliant on landing her Q. You should always keep minions between you and her to avoid getting hit by her Q (Root) and do not stay inside her W (Tormented Soil). Try to use your E on her or her allies from bushes so she will not have enough time to react and cast her E (Black Shield). As with Janna, she can only shield one ally with her E, so you can aim for the ally that she did not shield after she uses her E. You can also damage the shield enemy with your auto attacks, which also procs the passive of your support item as Morgana's Black Shield only affects magic damage.
She does have a decent amount of damage with her Q and empowered Q but is a squishy champion and can be killed if you manage to root her especially at level 6 with your full combo. Always try to keep minions between you and her so you do not get hit by her R-Q. If she walks up to use her E on you or your ally, snare her and either follow-up with your other damage abilites if your ADC can follow-up or just back off.
Sona is quite weak in the early game and laning phase, so try trade aggressively with her in lane. You should be able to kill her at level 6 if you have played out your laning phase well but watch out for enemy jungle ganks as Sona's ultimate can stun both you can your ADC.
Bard does not have much damage and range, so it should be relatively easy trade for you in lane. If Bard uses his Magical Journey to gank you along with your allies, you can time your E properly to root them as soon as they exit the tunnel. Watch out for his Q as can pass through 2 targets and can stun you if it hits a target before or after hitting you. If he uses his ultimate on you and your ally and you can spot enemy champions diving towards you, you may consider to use your ultimate under yourself before becoming invulnerable as it can knock-up enemy champions, slowing their engage down and allowing you time to escape once the invulnerable effect of Bard's ultimate ends.
You should be easily able to walk up and poke him in lane, but try to dodge his Q to avoid getting slowed and having his passive stacked on you. Try not to waste your abilities on him when he has his wall up. The wall has especially long cooldowns at lower levels, so look to trade aggresively with him once he has used his wall.
Soraka is a very squishy champion but does have decent sustain and poke if she manages to land her Q, which is an ability that you and your ADC definitely want to dodge in lane. Most people think that you should only aim for Soraka but not her ADC as she can quickly heal them up, but her health costs for her W heal is quite high in the early game and can make her low enough for you to kill if she keeps using it, so just aim to poke either her or her ADC whenever you see an opportunity.
You should be able to trade fairly well with him as long as you dodge his Q by keeping units between you and him and avoid getting stunned. Try to dodge his fire pillar as it has a slight animation on the ground before damaging you. Watch out for his full combo with his ultimate as it might be able to kill you too if you do not have much health.
You can harass him easily in the early game as he does not have any ranged abilities. However, watch out for his E (Shadow Dash) as you may die if you are taunted by him. If he leaves lane with his ultimate to help his ally far away on the map, push in quickly with your ADC towards the enemy turret.
Rakan is quite squishy in the early game, so look to trade aggressively with him in the laning phase. Try to dodge his Q even though it does not deal much damage as he can heal himself and his ally if he hits an enemy with it. Try to use your E on him only if you can surprise him from bushes or if he has uses both charges of his E or W. Every time his passive shield appears, you can auto attack him easily as you have far more range than him until the shield is gone before using your abilities. Watch out for his engages especially if the enemy jungler is coming after he hits level 6 as his R-W combo can charm and knock you up.
You should be able to poke him fairly well but watch out for his hook extremely carefully as you are very squishy and can be bursted down immediately if you get hooked. Always keep minions between you and him if his hook is on cooldown but once you see him use it you can walk up aggressively to poke him. If you see him rushing towards you, there might be an enemy jungler coming so you might want to flash to avoid his knock-up into hook combo. There is a plant mechanic for Zyra to dodge hooks that I will cover later on.
He is decently tanky while his passive also has a heal, so he might be able to brush off the poke that you give him. Once he gets his W and Q, he can do his W-Q combo on you, so keep that in mind before getting too close to him while poking him. However, during levels 1-2 before he gets his full combo, you can definitely trade aggressively with him without fear as he cannot engage on you. Both his engage abilities also has a relatively high cooldown in the early game, so once he uses it, retaliate with your full damage combo (which I will cover later on). Try your best to draw out his ultimate by constantly poking him before using your ultimate. Also note that although he is a tank, his combo deals a decent amount of damage especially if he brings Ignite as his summoner spell.
Gragas support isn't common, but is quite hard to deal with due to his crowd control, poke, damage reduction and his ultimate's displacement. He will usually use his W to reduce damage dealt to him after you root him with your E, so try not to spam your spells immediately after managing to land your E, as you can auto attack him first before using your W and Q after your W's duration ends. Don't stay in his Q area for long as the damage and slow increases over time. Try to keep minions between you and him to avoid his body slam into ultimate combo. Also, be mindful of his flash-E into ult combo. Due to the Gragas nerf previously, his ultimate has a fixed cast time so you should have time to flash away before his ultimate lands even if he is directly in front of you.
Like Gragas, Leona also has a huge amount of crowd control and damage reduction in her kit. Don't waste your mana on her when her W (Eclipse) is up. Keep your trades short by weaving in auto attacks or Q whenever possible. If she manages to land her E (Zenith's Blade) on you, root her with your E and immediately walk away to create distance between you and her as she can deal a decent amount of damage if you stay within melee range of her.
Similar to Blitzcrank, Thresh also has a hook so try to keep minions between you and him at all times in lane if his hook is not on cooldown. Thresh is also a ranged champion, so don't get too close as he can auto attack you although you generally outrange him. Land your poke abilities on him whenever possible but watch out if he lands a hook on a minion near you even if it does not hit you as he can use it to get near and use his E (Flay).
Zyra is a lane bully due to her large amount of poke and damage, which means your early game is extremely important for your overall game plan. In the beginning of the game, your setup is either:
1) If your jungler is starting on your side- You should walk directly to the camp your jungler wants to start so your passive can place down seeds at the camp. Once the monster spawns, you should use your Q to hit as many seeds as possible to help your jungler leash the camp.
2) If you do not need to leash for your jungler- You should walk up to the outer brush of the lane closest to the enemy turret. Note that your passive does not place down seeds when you are in the bush, so walk out whenever your passive is off cooldown. Once the enemy walks into lane, try to hit both the enemy champions and the seeds with your Q to get some poke with your plants.
For your laning phase, you generally want to keep poking the enemy champions even if your abilities are on cooldown as your auto attacks does deal a decent amount of damage along with your decent range.
1. Normal Poking Combo (W-Q)
You generally want to use this combo against harder matchups as you might have to save your E to root them when they engage on you as a counter-attack such as Leona and Blitzcrank or if you are low on mana. For this combo, you should place one charge of your seed down with your W near the enemy and use your Q to hit the enemy champion and transforming the seed into a plant.
2. Full Poking Combo (E-W-W-Q)
For this, you want to snare the enemy champions first with your E and then placing one charge of your W seed while your E is travelling so a plant will form. After this, immediately place another charge of your seed down with your W and use your Q to turn the seed into a plant.
3. All-in Combo (E-W-W-Q-R)
This combo is used when your team is doing an all-in and looking for potential kills. You should start of the combo exactly like the Full Poking Combo above and but following-up with your ultimate below the enemy as it enrages your plants, deals a lot of damage and knocks the enemy up after a short delay.
** Important tip: Always remember that your passive
One of the features that is less known about Zyra is that her plants also act as units and can block skillshots such as Blitzcrank's
or Thresh's hooks or Gragas's E quickly use place down seeds with your WIn teamfights, if you are engaging first on the enemy team, you should carry out the All-in Combo
mentioned above. Finding a good time to activate your Redemption can also make the difference between a won or lost teamfight. One of the tips to find a good Redemption usage is to not hold your Redemption for too long but use it as the fight starts. During the fight, you generally want to deal as much damage as possible to the enemy team with your plants and Q
, proccing Liandry's Torment and Rylai's Crystal Scepter's passive over and over again. You should also use your E to lock down enemy carries and also to peel for your carries too but preventing the enemy team from engaging upon them.
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