[8.19.1]From the sewers come...
(Last updated on September 28, 2018)
Views 1.3K
[8.19.1]From the sewers come...
(Last updated on September 28, 2018)
Views 1.3K
I've never seen a Draven that could keep up with my damage, so if you go the assassin build, this guy shouldn't be a problem. It still deletes you if you go the classic adc build
Same thing like Draven, this is a slow champ with no mobility, so unless he's fed, he should never be a problem to you
Still on the same page, slow, immobile champs are an easy target to Twitch
This matchup should be easy unless you face her in late game. But still, don't get too confident as she can completely block your E, so if she's good enough you lose. You should play around your range advantage
Kinda like Sivir, if you fight Ashe in late game, you should lose because she can simply make more DPS than you and if she has another lifesteal item she will survive your burst. Besides that, you should win every 1v1 if you dodge her ult
Don't get too confused with this matchup. This fight is hard only in early and mid game. She has a lot of early damage with the traps and the net and everything else. However, she doesn't scale well in late game, so if you manage to get to point blank, you should delete her
This soyboy does a lot of damage with his Q, so always be careful when facing him. If you dodge his Q, you win
This'll be one of the hardest matchups you'll find. Why? Because he deals a lot of damage in no time, just like you. But not only that, he doesn't rely on his ult to win a fight, meaning that after he ulted, he still does a lot of damage
Similar to Lucian, this girl deals tons of damage once she gets stormrazor and hurricane. Still, if you make use of the surprise factor, you should be able to catch her off guard and get a free kill. Only fight her if you're sure you'll win, otherwise she'll stack her Q and kill you
Same thing, Kaisa starts to do a lot of damage after her first item, and much like the other hard matchups, she wins because she has more attack speed than you and doesn't rely in her ult. Vayne and Kog go here as well but I can't add more champs
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