[8.23.1]How to play thresh in bronze
(Last updated on November 28, 2018)
Views 4.9K
[8.23.1]How to play thresh in bronze
(Last updated on November 28, 2018)
Views 4.9K
If you land a hook before lvl 6 she will most likely die
Same as janna but with more annoying poke
Also if hooked she dies really fast since her heal early isn't really strong. She also has good poke.
Just dodge her spells (even thought the hitboxes take half the lane) and go in when she uses her q.
Her plants are so stupid that half the time they'll focus the minions and not you. Just dodge her slow af root and hook her.
This is a really weird matchup. He has good damage and can easily burst half of your health at early lvls. However he has no escapes so hooking him usually ends up with him dying. Also go for his adc when he leaves lane for his meeps.
If you can potition well you'll most likely win the lane. But if you get stunned once, prepare to lose 3/4 of your hp while you can't move. Also try to cancel her e with yours.
If he uses his q, a single hook should kill him. However killing him while it's up is nearly impossible. Also his e can be really annoying and if there are no minions near you and your adc, prepare to say goodbye to your healthbar.
If you react fast enough to cancel his w with your e, you will win the lane 100%. Just like the leona matchup it depends on how you play it.
In this matchup it's better to wait for him to engage and then fight him because of his stun.
I hate her and if you play against a good one you'll hate her too. The only way to engage on her is to surprise her and burst her because her whole kit counters yours. Also if you are confident you can try to bait her e out and then engage when it's on cooldown.
Just like morgana, she has an ability that counters you really hard. She is the only adc with a spellshield and that's the reason she is on this list.
He just hurts too much with his poke. However like the rest of the mage supports once you hook him he dies. He is here fue to how good of a teamfighter he is and how strong his poke is.
In low elos he is a better version of thresh since he also has huge burst and really strong crowd control abilities. However, if you start e and he pulls you, you may be able to kill him at level 1 and snowball from there.
He is really good at countering engages, while his passive makes trading really scary.
Howdy partners. My name is ThreshHub and I'm a silver 3 (yes you got clickbaited, deal with it) support thresh main. In this guide I'll attempt to explain how I believe thresh should be played in bronze and maybe silver.
Thresh is a tanky support that, as most people say, is good at everything. However, in bronze and low silver, his main job is to be a lane bully that punishes every single mistake your enemies make. He has a ton of cc, including a hook and a crippling slow, which, along with his insane base damage, makes him a terrifying champ to lane against. I also love him due to his hard to pick up kit that, once you get the hang of, makes him one of the best carry supports in the game.
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