[8.18.2]Become Sona God, Help and Caryy Your Team. Best sona Guide ever
(Last updated on September 22, 2018)
Views 2.4K
[8.18.2]Become Sona God, Help and Caryy Your Team. Best sona Guide ever
(Last updated on September 22, 2018)
Views 2.4K
Ziggs ADC was a weird time for league, but every now and then I still see people taking it. If you do come across one, which will be pretty rare,the only thing you need to watch out for is if you see a tanky support with a lot of cc, such as taric or leona. If you let ziggs push tower, then he will more than likely be able to take tower a lot quicker than you and your adc can. Otherwise, you will have a free lane. Synergy with Sona - 0/10
Maokai support is not very common, but when you see one, you should not be super afraid of him. Given he does have a lot of cc, he can't do much, unless he has a strong burst adc to follow up.
Brand has a lot of burst damage, combined with the cc he has, makes an annoying laning phase.
Zyra will be a pain to deal with, due to the sheer amount of cc she has. Her plants also will deal a lot of damage if you are not careful, or not paying attention to them.
Sion is one of the most abusive supports, when he is taken support, due to his passive, how tanky he is, and how much cc he has. His passive is also annoying, due to the fact that it can soak up hits, that the adc would otherwise take, such as an ashe ultimate, a sona q, and much more.
Passive: Grandstaff
Sona has a unique directional AoE with four lines that interacts with her abilities. Casting an ability will play a chord and send a pass-through skillshot down it's own line a short distance pass the current range when Grandstaff is activated. Each time she casts an ability Grandstaff's radius increases by a decreasing amount, and the current skillshot will switch to the new line. Once Grandstaff is deactivated it will shrink back to its original radius over time based on its current radius.
Hitting a unit where the skill shots intersect increases the effect
Holding a key will extend the skill shot by a decreasing amount
While Grandstaff is active Sona's abilities have no CD, and lower cost but have reduced effects and each time a unit is hit by the same ability it's effects are further reduced each time.
Comes from front and back.
Grandstaff and abilities go in the direction she's facing and from her back
(Imagine a wider Thresh Flay split into 4 equal separate sections.)
When deactivated Sona's basic abilties always go the full range of Grandstaff (and benefit from bonus range after Grandstaff is deactivates and has begun shrinking back to its base range)
Q - 200 units wide
Sona shoots a pass through skill shot damaging enemies and buffing allies
W -
Activates Grandstaff for 1 sec and releases a linear AoE covering Grandstaffs entire AoE, buffing allies for x sec.
E -
Sona creates a 400 unit AoE around her and shoots a skill shot that redirects Grandstaff for 1 sec and stops at the 1st champion hit buffing allies.
R: Melodic Echos
CD: 4/100
Passive: While toggled off Sona will continue to play the recorded chords in a loop. Sona can play 3 loops at once. Creating a 4th loop will stop all the previous loops. (DJ Sona will remember separate loops for each skin). RR CD decreases for each new unique loop.
Hold: Sona toggles Grandstaff on or off locking or unlocking it's angle (Lucian style). While toggled on the abilities cast are recorded.
Tap Cast: While Grandstaff is active Sona sends a skill shot that slows enemies.
Separate CD
Double Cast: Sona activates Grandstaff for 2 sec sending a pulse through the entire AoE playing all recorded loops and recorded skillshots at once stunning all enemies hit.
ust don't get so in the groove that you accidentally double cast R.
When Sona dances she plays the current song.
She's not a spammer like Ryze or Cass, because repeated hits on the same target will reduce the effects
Hit the right note at the right time, or just have fun, you win either way
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Comments :1
level 2 SirLazybones
First of all, you basically copied everything in this comment https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/gameplay-balance/IJaHry5x-possible-direction-for-a-sona-gameplay-update?comment=0000 and pasted it here.
Second, you just made a fast troll guide in less than what? 2 minutes? For those who are confused like I was when reading this, no, Sona's abilities are not the same as in the info he stole from someone else.
Third, if this wasn't enough you "created " 2 more fast guides by copy/pasting a wikia, but this one is just ridiculous.
Invenglobal should do something about you and this stolen work you pretend to use to get some RP, even if it is a stolen work that contains a 100% of information that cannot relate to the actual Sona.