[8.21.1]The Most Charming Support on the Rift!
(Last updated on October 29, 2018)
Views 6.0K
[8.21.1]The Most Charming Support on the Rift!
(Last updated on October 29, 2018)
Views 6.0K
Janna is a utility champion which means it's very easy to play again. Try to go in for a trade when she has wasted her shield or used her Q. She can stop your engage with a good tornado, how hard it can be quite difficult for her to do this as your combo quicker in comparison. If she seems to be doing this repeatedly and stopping you, try to flank.
Sona is another utility based champion who doesn't really do too much damage in the laning phase. However, if she has gone for a more damage focused build, you'll have to play rather passive until she is out of position. Sona is very squishy so should always try to focus her when you go for any engagement.
Zilean can be considered an easy or a medium match up. He does have a lot of damage, which means that it is crucial that you dodge his bombs as much as possible. He kind of counters your champion to some extend because if your ADC is bombed and you were to jump on them with a bomb you'd both be stunned. He is quite squishy and in mobile though- even with his E, so make sure to focus him whenever you go for a trade.
Lux is a funny one. She isn't really played too much in high-ELO but she is quite popular in the lower ranks. As long as you can dodge her binding, you should be good to go. Try to prank her so it can make it more difficult for her to hit her binding.
Lulu is a easy match up even though she can be quite frustrating to play again. She does have a lot of damage in the early game and she can't put you down so it is important that you tried to avoid standing too far forward in lane. She can stop your engage with her W, so keep this in mind whenever you try to engage on her. She is very squishy, so try to focus her whenever you try to trade.
Alistar is a medium match up because he can stop you from engaging by knocking you away. He is also very tanky and mobile which means it can be difficult to lock him in place. I would recommend that you tried to avoid fighting unless you can catch him out of position or after he has used one of his abilities. This is a match app that requires a lot of patience and abusing the enemy when they are unable to defend themselves. For example, 1 way of doing this is by poking him whenever he comes to get his Relic Shield Stacks.
Blitzcrank is another funny one. He can be quite easy to kill and you directly counter him. What I mean by this is when he goes for a hook, he is putting himself in a vulnerable position that for you to engage on him. If he hooks you, you can get out or further engage on him, you can also engage on him if he hooks in your ADC. It is a medium match up to because it is a Blitzcrank and can be rather annoying to play against.
Thresh is quite similar to the previous match up in some instances as if he hooks you you can engage on him and if he hooks your AD carry you can engage on him as well. Thresh is a frustrating matcha because he can hook you mid and he can knock you away with his E. I would recommend going to trade with him when he has used one of his abilities to make it easier for you to catch him.
Mr Tahm Kench is a medium match up because he can save his carry just by eating them. This means it is very difficult for you to be able to actually engage and do anything in this lane. The best way to play this lane is by focusing him and poking him down.
Karma can be difficult to play against but she can also be super easy as well. If she is going for a utility based build, should be pretty easy to kill. If she's gone more damage orientated, it might be slightly more difficult. I would recommend that you dodge her Q as much as possible to prevent her from winning the lane. Also, you would want to focus her whenever you go for a trade. A good time to poke her or go for a straight is when she has moved up into a position to poke you. She can interrupt your ultimate and lock you in place with her W, so try to keep this in mind when you go for an engage on the enemy.
This is a very difficult matchup for Rakan because she directly counters everything that makes Rakan great. Her black shield makes his Ultimate and his W very difficult to lock down the enemy as if you were to target an enemy who has been black shielded, you will not be able to lock them down. Furthermore, Morgana has a binding that if it hits you, can chunk you down and force you to back. I always recommend that you ban Morgana when your intention is to play Rakan.
This is another difficult match up because Brand has a lot of poke and damage in the early game. This means it can be quite difficult for you to be able to play aggressive as he will always out damage you. However, in good news, he is rather squishy so if you are able to get a good knock up on him you'll be able to kill him. Try to avoid letting him poke you at all times and if you have to use your Q, make sure that you give your ADC a heal as well. You can dodge his stun with your E.
I've decided to put this champion as a hard difficulty because he is quite frustrating to play against. As he has hard crowd control, and soft crowd control, it is difficult for you to get in and out of team fights. Furthermore, he can block all your AD carries damage in any trade with his shield. Another thing to remember is that this is a very tanky champion who can apply his passive just by what attacking you once. This means if you going into a stacked enemy to use your old and knock them up and he's to auto you- you are basically dead.
Leona is a difficult champion to play against as Rakan because she has hard engage as well. If she was to use her E on you, you'd be locked down and unable to move this can make it very difficult for you to win the lane or play aggressive because she can just stun you and burst you down before you able to do anything.
Soraka's silence is a pain to play against. She can stop all your abilities just by silencing you which makes it quite difficult for you to be able to engage on the enemy. In team fights, she can stop you from knocking up and charming the enemies. This makes it difficult for you to do your job. In this matchup, you should take ignite so you're able to reduce their enemies healing.
There are two rune pages for
Like all champions in League of LegendsRakan has some pros and some cons. In this section, I'll discuss what makes him a good champion but what are also some of his limiting factors that can make playing him quite difficult.
,Is extremely fun. Not every champion in League of Legends is fun to play, but
Rakan is definitely a fun one. You can use this to advantage by actually having fun whilst playing him!
Is a great front line champion. If your team is lacking any form of engage, play Rakan and he will be able to pick up the slack and be the engage for your team.
Rakan is very mobile. Thanks to his wide array of abilities and outplay potential, you can often dodge a lot of abilities that the enemy may throw at you. Use this to your advantage by being able to stay healthy and dodge the enemies skill shots.
Is great against immobile champions. Rakan has abilities that are skill shots, having a slow enemy makes it easier for you to hit your abilities.
Has great outplay potential. As akan has his Ultimate and his W he is able to outplay the enemy with them. He can also use his E if there are allies nearby.
Works amazing with a lot of ADC's.
Rakan has great synergy with the majority of ADC's that are on the rift. He works even better with Xayah!He can heal his allies thanks to his Q. This will give him some more protection and sustain in lane.
He periodically gets a shield thanks to his Passive. This can come in handy when you're in the lane as it will give you some more survivability.
Your Passive and E is buffed when you're playing with Xayah. This is one of the direct buffs to a champions kit when playing with a certain champion.
His E has a really long range.
His E can be used twice on two separate champions. This can come in handy if you need to escape or need to shield somebody specific
Rakan can engage in team fights and also get out after the initial engagement. Not many champions are able to get in and get out but Rakan is one of them. You can abuse this in the game by going in and then peeling back for your team.
Has a lot of different combos to master and perfect. As
Is really squishy when behind. This can make it hard for you to do your job in team fights.
Hard to hit your abilities especially your
If you're unable to straight fight the enemy 5v5 and you are unable to run directly in to the enemy, you should look to flank the enemy instead. As
Utilise your
Always try to pick
Now let's discuss Rakan has some pretty unique abilities that are unique to his champion. We also see Rakan have some abilities that are directly buffed when he is interacting with an allied Xayah. This is one of the first champion whos kit is directly benefited by picking another ADC.
Rakans abilities show we?Rakan’s Passive is Fey Feathers
His Passive is a fantastic ability that grants him a shield periodically throughout the game. This shield will allow you to retain some health whenever you go for a trade. This shield’s cooldown can be reduced if Rakan by hitting an enemy with an ability or an auto attack. This Passive can be abused to some extent when you’re playing against a low ranged or melee enemy champion.
Rakan also has a separate Passive called ‘Lover’s Leap.’ Whenever he is laning with Xayah, they can recall together if they stand next to each other and both recall. This will allow them to reach the base at the exact same time.
Rakan throws out an empowered feather that deals damage to the first enemy it hits. If the feather hits an enemy champion or a neutral monster, an area is marked aroundRakan. After a brief period or when Rakan comes into contact with an ally, it will heal Rakan and an ally. If he doesn’t come in to contact, Rakan will gain a small heal for himself.
Your Q is going to be your main source of poke during the laning phase and you should try to hit the enemy with it whenever you can. Beware however that this ability has a rather short range which means you need to be quite close to the enemy to hit it.
If your ADC is low on health, remember to use your Q on the enemy and then run towards your ADC so you can both get some very reliable healing. If you have taken Sorcery as your Rune page, you will start dealing a lot of damage on to the enemy as this ability, once you have some AP behind you and some levels will start to hurt.
In team fights, you will want to use your heal on anybody who is low. You should try to prioritize low health allies over healthier ones, but when it comes to team fights you should try to heal anybody who needs it.
This ability is Rakan a good champion. It is extremely temperamental and relies heavily on your patience as well as skill to hit. So don’t be discouraged if you are not quite on point with your W’s at the beginning. Your W is basically a dash that knocks up any enemies that are hit by the circle at the end.
Rakans bread and butter and it’s one of the core abilities that makes
Like stated, your W is a dash and a knock up which makes it one of the best abilities for Rakan. As it is a dash, it makes it quite versatile in some retrospects as it can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to escape a gank from the enemy, an engage for you or your team and also it can be used to move around the map quicker.
Your W will be one of the main abilities you will use to engage on to the enemy when it comes to starting team fights. Once a team fight has erupted, you will want to use your Ultimate in conjunction with your W to stun and charm all the enemies and then fall back to help your team. You would then want to use your next circle and your next W on protecting your allies and keeping them safe.
Your W is pretty difficult to hit as we suggested above, but there are some little lane manipulation tips you can use to your advantage in order to have a higher success rate when hitting it. First of all, you can obviously use your W with your Ultimate to make it easier to hit. This is only possible after 6 but you will also need to know how to hit it before that time! You can wait for the enemy to be in auto attack animation lock and then use your W. Using it slightly before they are in position will allow you to almost guarantee a hit on it. Another way of improving your success rate is in very specific situations when an enemy has an ability that locks them in place or slows them down. For example, against a Blitzcrank- you can use your W once he has used his Q. Against a Thresh you can use your W when he misses his Hook, and finally when a Tristana has used her jump. That reminds me… If an enemy has an escape ability such as ristana W, Ezreal E, Lucian E, you should wait until it’s on cooldown before using it as they will easily be able to dodge it by just using their dash. So basically, use your knock up when the enemy cannot dodge it. Simple right!
Rakan’s E is Battle Dance
This ability allows Rakan to jump around the lane and leap to allies providing them with a shield. The shield that he provides is not much, but at the end of the day- a shield is a shield. The shield lasts for up to 3 seconds and can be recast back on that champion for 5 seconds after. The recast can be the same champion or another champion if need be.
This ability also is buffed when he is playing with his lover Xayah. If Xayah is the target of Battle Dance, he will be able to cast this ability from an increased range which can come in handy if you’re not super close to your waifu.
Tips and Tricks
Your E ability is a very stylish ability. It can be another way of getting in and out of team fights as it makes you very mobile. You can use your E on any allies up to a maximum of 2. Your shielding does not stack on the same allies. This means once an ally is shielded, another stack will not be amplified it will only be refreshed.
Whilst Rakan is quite mobile and rather flashy, if he gets hit mid-air with a crowd control ability from the enemy, he will be immobilized and stopped in his track. This means that for you to get the most out of it, you should try to dodge the enemies CC and do not use your E if the enemy is going to hit you with crowd control.
In team fights, you’re able to flank the enemies and start the team fight from using just utilizing your E. For example, you can use your Battle Dance on an allied frontline, and then use your Ultimate followed by your W. After your initial engagement, you can back off with the second cast of your E.
Rakan starts running for 4 seconds and gains bonus movement speed for 4 seconds. During this time his attack range is heavily reduced but he gains the benefits of being able to charm any champion he comes into contact with. Any charmed enemies are also slowed and after he collides with his first enemy, he will gain an additional bonus amount of movement speed.
Your Ultimate is a very good ability but it can leave you vulnerable. As you will be squishy no matter what, you’re easy to kill when you dive in with your Ultimate and your W. This means that you need to try your hardest to dodge the enemies hard CC and abilities when you go deep.
Your Ultimate is very versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. For example, it can be used to engage and disengage and it can also allow you to escape and retreat if you’re caught out of position.
Your Ultimate is generally used as a team fighting tool to get the enemies stuck in a certain place of the map so your team can engage and follow up on you. This means that your team also needs to be in a position where they can follow up and help you after you engage. You should avoid going in onto the enemy if your team is not there to follow up after your initial engagement.
The best way of using your Ultimate is in conjunction with your W. You can use your R, then W onto the enemy almost immediately to double CC chain them. This is a great move to perform but takes a lot of patience and experience to perfect. To master this, just play more. If you feel you’re never able to do this as the enemy backs off, try to incorporate your Flash into it or try to flank the enemy.
Now it's time to come to one of the more complicated sections of the guide and gameplay for
Before you buy your first core item, you will need to upgrade your starting item to tier 2 in order to start earning more gold as well as unlock the free wards that it provides. If you do not upgrade this item first, you will miss out on a lot of gold as well as the ability to ward the map. So after you upgrade your starting item, you want to pick up some Boots in order to roam around the map quicker. We will discuss later what upgrade you should take but you don't want to upgrade them until you completed your next item. You're next and technically the first item is going to be Zeke's Convergence. As Rakan relies heavily on his Ultimate, it is important that you can't do as much damage as you can and be as useful as possible before you have to get out. This item directly buffs your damage as well as your ADC's damage by igniting their auto attacks. In the meta right now, this item is incredibly powerful and I recommend that you rush it every single game you play. Now it's time to fully upgrade your Boots. You do have the option of Mercury's Treads, Ninja Tabi or Mobi Boots. You would want to get the first option when you are against a heavy AP or CC team, Ninja Tabi against a heavy AD team and Mobility Boots if you're against a mix of both. In most situations, you will get Mobi Boots as it allows you to run around the map quickly. After you've picked up this item, you will need to buy Redemption. Redemption is a fantastic item as it provides an AOE heal for your team which is really good at keeping them alive in team fights. A clutch Redemption can keep your whole team alive if used correctly. It also deals damage to enemies that are hit with it which means that it can occasionally pick up a kill or two.
The next item is Locket of the Iron Solari. This is a really good item that is slightly fallen out of favour with many players. This is because of the rise in priority of Zeke's Convergence, however, this item is still very valuable on a champion such as Rakan. I would recommend getting this item as it can give your allies another shield that can keep them alive in team fights. As Rakan is an enabler as well as front-line champion, is important that you keep yourself as well as your team alive by purchasing items that can heal and shield them. This is why this build has been predominantly shielding and healing which makes this item fit right in! The final item is going to be Knight's Vow. This item will allow your chosen ally to stay alive for longer by redirecting some of the damage that they take to you. This item will allow them to stay alive longer which means that they can dish out more damage and have a higher chance of surviving the team fight in order to capture more objectives. At the end of the day, Rakan is a support and he will not be able to destroy towers. This means it is important that you can keep your carries alive by shielding and healing them so they can deal the damage and win the fight. Your final item will be your starting item upgraded to its final form. I would not recommend upgrading it any time before this because it is not worth the gold.
The early game is by far the weakest part of the game for Ultimate or utilise his kit in a way that he can later on in the game. The early game, however, can be the most impactful part of the game for him. This is because if he is able to get a slight advantage in lane, he can setup ganks for his Jungler, get kills for his team as well as being able to snowball their lane advantage.
For the first level, you cannot really do too much except poke the enemy. You can, however, go in for a level 2 engagement as long as you get the level up before the enemy. In at the bottom lane, hitting level 2 requires the first 9 minions of the game. This is the first wave followed by three minions on the second wave - specifically the melee minions. You could try to blow the enemies Summoner Spells or try to go for a kill. Taking Ignite is extremely valuable in this situation as you may be able to pick up an early kill. You could then snowball your lane and continue to try and kill the enemy and get more kills
Up until level 6, you want to continue trying to apply pressure by to engage on the enemy when they miss-position too far up in the lane. When you are level 6 and have your Ultimate, you can play slightly more aggressive. Before using your Ultimate and before engaging on the enemy, take a peek at the map and have a look where everybody is. If your Jungler is nearby, wait for them to be closer and then engage on the enemy. This will give you a higher chance of securing a kill. Furthermore, look at where your ADC is positioned in the lane. If they are too far back, you may waste your Ultimate as they may not be able to follow you up- which can cost you your life. Also, you should look where the enemy Jungler is. If you expect the enemy Jungler to be around the bottom lane, you should probably not go in as you will be left with the fishes and maybe unable to escape your initial engagement.
During the mid game, your job is to team fight with the enemy, roam around the map and protect your team.Ultimate and his W, you are can look to roam whenever you see an opportunity to gank a lane as this will apply pressure around the map.
Whether you are winning your lane or losing it, during the mid game you have to match the enemies roams and try to gain an advantage whenever and wherever you can. Rakan is very mobile so he can roam and match the enemy with ease. Before roaming, make sure you ward and keep your ADC protected while you're gone. However, when you come into the mid game, the ADC may also have to follow you around and move around the map with you.
The mid game is where Rakan really shines. By this time of the game, the teams are grouping together in order to siege objectives. As Rakan is amazing at fighting and protecting his team, he wants to be looking for an opportunity to engage on the enemy whenever they miss position. I've already wrote what you should look for under the"team fighting" section- but always make sure that your team is there to follow up whenever you engage.
When the game is coming to an end and it is hitting the late game, it is incredibly important that you do not overextend or get caught out of position when you are going to ward or if you're going to engage. This is because if
Team fighting in this part of the game is crucial as you should try to be as efficient as possible. If you perform poorly in a team fight, such as being burst down instantly or missing your combo- it may cost you the game. Remember that in the late game, being killed can cost a lot, so it's important that you do not die. If you are unable to engage properly, you should try to flank the enemy as well as peel for your team.
If you are sieging an objective, try to ward around the area to prevent any potential flanks from the enemy as well as protect your team from being engaged upon. Knowing what to do in the late game is all about team synergy as well as experience. It is very difficult to tell you what to do in the late game because every game is different. Try to do the best for your team and always keep an eye on where they are at any given time before engaging.
Team fighting for
Rakan excels at being able to engage on the enemy through either flanks or hard engagement. Thanks to his unique kit and play style, he is able to get in and out again once he engages. This means that he can often start the team fight and then peel back for his AD Carry with his E. However, engaging on Rakan can be very difficult if you have no other frontline champions on your team. Rakan is rather squishy even with a more defensive rune page and he is prone to being best down when he engages. So it is important that you only engage on the enemy if you are able to get the help from your team as well as the follow-up from them. For example, the team fight may go badly for you if you get burst down as soon as you go in or if your team is not in a position to help you. Furthermore, he is prone to be hit by crowd control with a very scripted playstyle. This means that you should try to dodge and not make it as obvious when you are trying to engage.
If you are able to engage on the enemy, you should look for opportunities when they are all clumped together in a group. This will give you the maximum amount of crowd control lock as possible, as well as allow your team to do as much damage as they can the longest period of time. Your aim is to cast your Ultimate on as many enemy champions as you can and once they are stunned and charmed by you. You should then retreat and get back to your ADC after your initial engagement. As you are a Support, it is important that after your initial engagement, you always fall back and help your ADC. Many carries cannot protect themselves alone and they need you to fall back and help them. While you are protecting them, you want to use the rest of your abilities to keep them alive for as long as possible. This also includes active items like Redemption.
How to engage in team fights
Engaging is best done from a flanking position. This will give you a surprise element which can help you survive the initial engagement as well as give your team maximum time to react and deal damage. You can flank by hiding in bushes nearby, as well as coming from a different angle. It can be a lot harder to face dive the enemy as they will be able to stun you and lock you in place and kill you. Honestly, a lot of experience will help you improve atRakan and help you engage better.
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