
[8.20.1][REWORKED] The Nunu Guide

by Pickle

(Last updated on October 14, 2018)

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Views 14.3K



Summoner Spells

Hide Notes
  • Flash
  • Smite

Flash is the first Summoner Spell and I recommend always taking it when you're playing this champion. This is because Flash is the best Summoner Spell around. It is a really good and a reliable Summoner Spell. It can be used offensively, defensively and is honestly, a really good Spell to take.

For your secondary Summoner Spell, I recommend that you take Smite. Smite is the Summoner Spell that you need to take if you're playing Jungle. It will give you global map pressure and will allow you to apply pressure to objectives such as Baron and Dragon. It will also allow you to stay healthy and allow you to sustain through early Jungle pathing.


  • resolve
  • Aftershock
  • Bone Plating
  • Chrysalis
  • Revitalize
  • precision
  • Triumph
  • Coup de Grace
Bonus :

+65 health and +9% attack speed

The recommended rune page for Nunu takes Resolve as the main rune path. The keystone you should take is Aftershock. As Nunu has some abilities that are considered hard crowd control, you can proc this rune whenever you go in for a combo and hit the enemy with one of your abilities.



  • Hunter's Talisman


  • Enchantment: Cinderhulk
  • Boots of Speed
  • Dead Man's Plate
  • Abyssal Mask
  • Warmog's Armor
  • Frozen Heart


  • Boots of Mobility
  • Ninja Tabi
  • Mercury's Treads

There are three different types of Boots you can take on Nunu. The first is Mercury Treads. This selection type is a great pair to have if the enemy has lots of AP champions or lots of crowd control. As Mercury Treads reduces the duration of crowd control, this can come in handy. The second pair of Boots you can take is Ninja Tabi. These Boots are fantastic when you’re against a lot of ranged enemies or full AD teams. The third option for Boots is Mobility Boots. These Boots are good for roaming and getting around the map however they have one major disadvantage. They make you quite immobile.

Ability Sequence

  • Call of the Freljord

    Call of the Freljord(Passive)

  • Consume
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • Biggest Snowball Ever!
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • Snowball Barrage
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • Absolute Zero
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
  • Consume
    Biggest Snowball Ever!
    Snowball Barrage
    Absolute Zero
    Snowball Barrage
    Snowball Barrage
    Absolute Zero
    Snowball Barrage
    Snowball Barrage
    Biggest Snowball Ever!
    Biggest Snowball Ever!
    Absolute Zero
    Biggest Snowball Ever!
    Biggest Snowball Ever!

Nunu's Passive is Call of the Freljord

Whenever Nunu attacks an enemy champion, large monster or a structure, both Nunu and a nearby allied champion gain Call of the Frejord for 4 seconds. The priority on your Passive is the ally with the highest attack speed which is usually the ADC.

Call of the Frejord: Targets with this bonus gain 20% bonus attack speed and 10% movement speed. Nunu's basic attacks also deal bonus damage.

You can not trigger your Passive on the same enemy for some time. However, you can stack your Passive up to 4 times with up to a 40-second duration.

Nunu's Q is Consume

Nunu takes a bite of a target enemy dealing damage and healing himself. Biting a champion deals damage and against monsters, it deals true damage.

Tips and Tricks

You can use your Consume in conjunction with your Smite to steal away and secure global objectives such as Baron or Dragons. Furthermore, you want to use your Bite at the last possible second- just enough before the monster goes into lethal range as this will prevent the enemy from stealing the objective.

Your Q is very good at securing jungle camps too. You can invade the enemy and use your Q to steal their buffs or camps in general. A good time to invade the enemy is when the buff is about to spawn or when the enemy is spotted somewhere else on the map.

As your Q heals you, you do not want to use your Q if you're full health unless you want to clear it quickly. The best time to use your Q is to finish off the camp.

Nunu's W is Biggest Snowball Ever

Nunu starts to make a snowball which begins rolling in the target direction for 10 seconds whilst changing in size. While they are growing their snowball, they become immune to slows. However, they can be interrupted by crowd control.

You can move around your nunuw.png snowball at a slow pace and change its direction. After 10 seconds or upon reactivation/ interruption, the snowball will roll forward for a brief amount of time before exploding.

The snowball will explode if it hits a champion, monster or terrain but will not explode if it goes through minions. Once it explodes, it will deal damage and knock up enemies.

Tips and Tricks
Your W is easy to dodge if you let it roll. Do not let it role if the enemy hasn't used their dashes or escape abilities. You can use your nunuw.png W and pin them to a wall to have a higher success rate hitting the enemy.

You can use your W in a variety of ways and this is the core ability on your kit. You should use your W to start with before you show yourself in the lane when you're ganking a lane. You can use your W behind your tower out of sight, and then roll up to the enemy and knock them up. In the later stages of the game when you're tankier, you can also use your W behind the enemies tower and then dive them.

I would advise that you stay away from the walls when possible. If you misclick or riot's spaghetti code attacks you, it will burst and you may be left in a sticky situation. So stay away from the walls!

Mastering the W takes time and effort. Do not be discouraged if you're struggling to hit your W.

Nunu's E is Snowball Barrage

Nunu throws 3 snowball sets in the target direction. Enemies hit 3 times by your snowballs are slowed by 50% for 1 second. Champions and large monsters who are hit with these are also snowbound for 4 seconds which is reset every time Nunu hits them with a snowball.

Your E can be cast and reactivated up to 2 times more at no additional cost.

After 3 seconds. Snowbound enemies are rooted briefly if they are in the close proximity of Nunu.

Tips and Tricks

You can use your E in conjunction with your Ultimate to keep the enemies rooted in place when you use your Ultimate. Chanel your Ultimate as soon as your E has rooted the enemies.

Your E is an AOE ability and goes through minions.

Nunu's Ultimate is Absolute Zero

Nunu draws a circle around him for 3 seconds. Moving or being silenced/ hit with CC will end the effects immediately. While you're channelling your Ultimate, you're not revealed which means you can do this in bushes without the enemy seeing it.

Whilst channelling your Ultimate, you are granted a shield. Any enemies that are in the area are also slowed. When the frost breaks, all enemies inside it are dealt damage.

Tips and Tricks
If the enemy is going to cancel your Ultimate, move quickly and make it erupt. This second difference can save your life. When you are using your Ultimate, stand as close to the enemies before you let start channelling it as this will give you the most time and allow the most damage out of it.

In some rare occasions, you can hide in bushes and wait for the enemy to walk into them and then proceed to blow them up with your Ultimate. If you want to try this, make sure that the area is not warded!

Vs. Champions

  • Amumu
  • Ivern
  • Maokai
  • Sejuani
  • Trundle
  • Shaco
  • Master Yi
  • Kha'Zix
  • Elise
  • Xin Zhao
  • Warwick
  • Shyvana
  • Difficulty
  • Champion
  • Notes

Amumu isn’t very strong early and runs low when Jungling especially early. Try to invade and steal his buffs. Pre 6 you’re stronger but when he has his ultimate it’s going to be harder. Go and steal his buffs and camps when you see him show on the other side of the map.


Beware of the 3 buff start. Try to invade him when possible and steal his camps. Ivern isn’t very strong in 1v1 skirmishes so try to fight him when possible. Hunt for him as you can easily kill him because he goes low in the Jungle.


This is an even matchup because he is a tank. Focus on farming and try to steal his camps. He will be ganking early so when he shows on the map try to take his camps on the other side of the map. Beware of his ultimate and try to dodge it. Beware of his saplings when invading him as they might be hidden in bushes.


This is an even matchup early. Sej is very strong because she has multiple crowd control abilities that can easily stop you in your tracks. She is currently a strong jungler. At level 6 beware of her ultimate as the stun range is huge. She can also stop your ultimate with her abilities.


Elise is very strong and will gank early. While she ganks you should try to either counter gank her or go and invade her jungle in attempts to steal her camps. In this matchup you need to not fight her as she is much stronger than you early. Back off if you meet her in the jungle.

XinZhaoXin Zhao

Do not fight him 1v1 because he is very good in those matchups. Try to steal his buffs if he shows on the map. This champion is very strong in a 1v1 setting so do not fight them if you meet them in the Jungle.


Warwick is very strong because of his sustain and overall damage. In this matchup you want to not try to fight him early but do try to invade and steal his buffs. If you spot Warwick in the jungle back off and do not fight him. He is very strong at 1v1 fighting.


Shy is a good jungler because of her sustain and clear. Beware of fighting her as she can easily kill you. Try not to get caught out by her and her damage. I would not recommend going in to her jungle unless she shows on the map.


Trundle is a tank buster and can counter you very easily. Do not go hunting for him early, attempt to counter gank the lanes he goes to gank. Also make sure to ward his jungle and attempt to take his camps when he shows on the other side of the map.


This is a frustrating matchup because Shaco can easily 3 buff you. Ward your buffs and do not chase him when he goes invisible. He can easily sneak dragon so be careful and keep it warded.

MasterYiMaster Yi

Do not fight him 1v1 because he is very good in those matchups. Try to steal his buffs if he shows on the map. This champion is very strong in a 1v1 setting so do not fight them if you meet them in the Jungle.


Kha’zix is a strong champion whose sole purpose is to fight people 1v1. Do not at any means fight him and do not go looking for him. Back off and run away if you find him.

Early Game

Nunu & Willump The early game for this champion is the same as many other Junglers. When playing as Nunu, you should try to have a healthy as possible first clear. One way of achieving this is by getting a leash from your team. In most cases, you will be starting at the bottom side of the map in order to receive a leash from both your ADC and Support.

There are many different jungle path routes that you can take on Nunu. One of the more popular ones is Blue to Red to Scuttle Crab. As Nunu is very good at stealing away camps and jungle monsters, you should save your Consume on the Scuttle Crab until the last second. Furthermore, you will be able to frequently take away the Scuttle Crab from the enemy as you can quickly kill them.

Nunu is pretty good at invading too and you can often find yourself stealing and taking away the enemies buffs and jungle camps with your  Consume. While invading in the early levels can sometimes be risky, if you track the enemy Jungler efficiently and correctly, there will be no problem with you taking away their buffs. In the early game, stealing buffs can be quite difficult so do not try to invade if you are unsure of where the enemy Jungler is or if you are not able to get in and get out safely.

Mid Game

Nunu & Willump In the Mid game, you should look for opportunities where you can further your lead by taking objectives such as Dragon, the Rift Herald as well as taking away towers whenever you can. Thanks to your hard crowd control, you can engage on to the enemy from far away without them seeing. As a Nunu player, you can take advantage of this by running in the lane with your snowball and knocking up anyone who gets in the way. This will allow you to get more kills and hopefully secure objectives for your team.

Furthermore, you will also want to take away as many camps away from the enemy Jungler as you can. Thanks to your Consume, you will easily be able to take them away from the enemy. This is easy to do if you have good map awareness and good vision in the enemies jungle. A good time to invade the enemy's jungle to steal their camps is when they are on the map away from you.

Make sure to take advantage of the Rift Herald and get it before the enemy steals it or it despawns.

Late Game

Nunu & Willump In the late game, you should focus on starting team fights and catching people out of position. Team fighting in the late stage of the game is super important to be able to close out the game as well as being able to take major objectives such as the Baron or the Elder Dragon. 

Because Nunu has multiple forms of  Crowd Control thanks to his W, E and R, he can force fights and catch somebody who's out of position. Try to abuse your kit by focusing anybody who miss positions or walks far too forward. Before going in, always make sure that your team is there to follow up. As Nunu will not have a lot of damage, you will be unable to one shot anybody.

Nunu is able to take away objects from the enemy thanks to his Consume. Baron or dragon fights can sometimes be difficult because of the 50/50   Smite, whereas for Nunu it is much safer thanks for his Consume. Nunu has a very good kit that enables him to take objectives away from the enemy. You should try to abuse this and take all the objectives away from them.

Maximize your Passive by standing close to your carries after you going by falling back close to them and peeling for them.

Jungle Pathing

Nunu & Willump There are a few different routes you can take with this champion. Each route has its benefits and its drawbacks but the majority of the time the best route is the one the enemy least expects and the one that gives you the healthiest clear.

In the early game, Nunu doesn't have the greatest sustain even with his  Consume. This means that you need to take the optimal jungle route and have the healthiest clear to continue jungling and be able to gank a lane. To have the healthiest clear, you should start on the bottom side of the map so you can get a leash from your duo lane.

+Blue Buff > Red Buff > Scuttle | This is a good route to take as you will get the scuttle crab early.

+Blue Buff > Wolves > Scuttle |  Variation start.

+Red Buff > Blue Buff > Scuttle | A standard Route

+Red Buff > Wolves > Scuttle | Variation start.

+Red Buff > Gromp > Blue Buff > Scuttle | This route is the main route that you will take. This is taking advantage of you're level 3 as well as being able to get vision for your team via the scuttle crab.

+Blue Buff > Gromp > Red Buff > Scuttle | This route is the main route that you will take. This is taking advantage of you're level 3 as well as being able to get vision for your team via the scuttle crab. You will take this if you are red side.

+Red Buff > Gromp >  Scuttle > Blue Buff | I would only recommend using this route if you know that the enemy cannot contest your greedy play.

+Blue Buff > Gromp >  Scuttle > Red Buff | I would only recommend using this route if you know that the enemy cannot contest your greedy play.

+Red > Chickens > Wolves > Blue | Very good route to take if you use your snowball correctly.

+Red > Wolves > Blue > Scuttle | Another example combo, best used when you can use your snowball correctly.

As you can see, there are a few different routes you can take. The number one thing to remember is that you want to have a healthy clear and be able to gank lanes. While some of these routes may not work out for you, they are possible routes that you can take. Remember as Nunu is quite good at counter jungling, you are able to stay away the enemies buffs.

If you know where the enemy started, you could try to contest their other buff on the other side of the map.

Tips and Tricks

Nunu & Willump Nunu is one of the easier champions to play on the rift. Nonetheless, here are some tips and tricks you can use to enhance and improve your Nunu gameplay.

+Try to avoid getting close to the wall until you are near the enemy with your snowball. One miss click or spaghetti code and you will fail your snowball as it will break into the wall. So, try to stay in the middle of the lane until you zone in on the enemy.

+Make the most of your Passive by sticking close to your ADC or carries. Your Passive grants then bonus damage which will allow them to be more useful in team fights.

+When taking the Scuttle Crab, hold on to your Consume until it is in lethal range. This will prevent the enemy from stealing it and taking it away.

+Furthermore, do not use your Consume until a major objective such as the Elder Dragon or Baron is about to die.

+As your Consume will deal more damage than Smite, you want to finish the objective off with your Consume. This will prevent the enemy from being able to steal it

+You can use your Smite at the same time as your Consume. Using these in conjunction with each other when the objective is about to die will prevent the enemy from attempting to steal it.

+As you Consume deals more damage than  Smite, you are able to still objectives with more consistency.

Try to steal worthwhile objectives such as Baron, Elder Dragon, Mountain Dragon or Infernal.

+If you are struggling to gank a lane, start channelling your snowball and run down the lane and hit the enemy with it. This will knock up the enemy and give your ally a chance to follow up with your engagement and possibly kill the enemy.

+When you are jungling, make use of your snowball by using it on camps that have more than one monster in them. This will allow you to kill the camp easier and healthier.

+Your  E does area of effect damage which can come in handy when you are ganking an enemy who is hiding in the minions.

+You can cancel your Ultimate early if you do not want the whole cast. Alternatively, this can come in handy if the enemy is about to escape or run out of range of the ability.

Ability Rundown

Nunu & Willump Nunu's Passive is Call of the Freljord

Whenever Nunu attacks an enemy champion, large monster or a structure, both Nunu and a nearby allied champion gain Call of the Frejord for 4 seconds. The priority on your Passive is the ally with the highest attack speed which is usually the ADC.

Call of the Frejord: Targets with this bonus gain 20% bonus attack speed and 10% movement speed. Nunu's basic attacks also deal bonus damage.

You can not trigger your Passive on the same enemy for some time. However, you can stack your Passive up to 4 times with up to a 40-second duration.

Nunu's Q is Consume

Nunu takes a bite of a target enemy dealing damage and healing himself. Biting a champion deals damage and against monsters, it deals true damage.

Tips and Tricks

You can use your Consume in conjunction with your Smite to steal away and secure global objectives such as Baron or Dragons. Furthermore, you want to use your Bite at the last possible second- just enough before the monster goes into lethal range as this will prevent the enemy from stealing the objective.

Your Q is very good at securing jungle camps too. You can invade the enemy and use your Q to steal their buffs or camps in general. A good time to invade the enemy is when the buff is about to spawn or when the enemy is spotted somewhere else on the map.

As your Q heals you, you do not want to use your Q if you're full health unless you want to clear it quickly. The best time to use your Q is to finish off the camp.

Nunu's W is Biggest Snowball Ever

Nunu starts to make a snowball which begins rolling in the target direction for 10 seconds whilst changing in size. While they are growing their snowball, they become immune to slows. However, they can be interrupted by crowd control.

You can move around your nunuw.png snowball at a slow pace and change its direction. After 10 seconds or upon reactivation/ interruption, the snowball will roll forward for a brief amount of time before exploding.

The snowball will explode if it hits a champion, monster or terrain but will not explode if it goes through minions. Once it explodes, it will deal damage and knock up enemies.

Tips and Tricks
Your W is easy to dodge if you let it roll. Do not let it role if the enemy hasn't used their dashes or escape abilities. You can use your nunuw.png W and pin them to a wall to have a higher success rate hitting the enemy.

You can use your W in a variety of ways and this is the core ability on your kit. You should use your W to start with before you show yourself in the lane when you're ganking a lane. You can use your W behind your tower out of sight, and then roll up to the enemy and knock them up. In the later stages of the game when you're tankier, you can also use your W behind the enemies tower and then dive them.

I would advise that you stay away from the walls when possible. If you misclick or riot's spaghetti code attacks you, it will burst and you may be left in a sticky situation. So stay away from the walls!

Mastering the W takes time and effort. Do not be discouraged if you're struggling to hit your W.

Nunu's E is Snowball Barrage

Nunu throws 3 snowball sets in the target direction. Enemies hit 3 times by your snowballs are slowed by 50% for 1 second. Champions and large monsters who are hit with these are also snowbound for 4 seconds which is reset every time Nunu hits them with a snowball.

Your E can be cast and reactivated up to 2 times more at no additional cost.

After 3 seconds. Snowbound enemies are rooted briefly if they are in the close proximity of Nunu.

Tips and Tricks

You can use your E in conjunction with your Ultimate to keep the enemies rooted in place when you use your Ultimate. Chanel your Ultimate as soon as your E has rooted the enemies.

Your E is an AOE ability and goes through minions.

Nunu's Ultimate is Absolute Zero

Nunu draws a circle around him for 3 seconds. Moving or being silenced/ hit with CC will end the effects immediately. While you're channelling your Ultimate, you're not revealed which means you can do this in bushes without the enemy seeing it.

Whilst channelling your Ultimate, you are granted a shield. Any enemies that are in the area are also slowed. When the frost breaks, all enemies inside it are dealt damage.

Tips and Tricks
If the enemy is going to cancel your Ultimate, move quickly and make it erupt. This second difference can save your life. When you are using your Ultimate, stand as close to the enemies before you let start channelling it as this will give you the most time and allow the most damage out of it.

In some rare occasions, you can hide in bushes and wait for the enemy to walk into them and then proceed to blow them up with your Ultimate. If you want to try this, make sure that the area is not warded!

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