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This champion is really easy to play against because she is utility based and does not do a lot of damage. Her main goal is to protect her ADC when possible and provide shielding to them. You can out trade her whenever you go for a tread because of your W damage. The best time to go for a trade against Janna is when she has used her shield already.
Karma is another easy champion to play against. She is a jack of all trades, master of none and doesn't really do too much in the lane. You out trade her and out sustain her so use this to your advantage by good for short sharp trades whenever she wastes her shield.
Annie is pretty bad at everything until level 6. In this matchup, look to poker down and apply pressure to her whenever she walks forward. She is very squishy and easy to kill, so make sure to abuse this whenever you can. Beware of her level 6 all in potential and beware of her stun.
Lulu can neglect a lot of your damage because of her shielding and her ultimate. Keep this in mind when you go to trade with her. The best time to trade with her shoes when she has either wasted her shield or has walked too far up in the lane. She is very Squishy and easy to kill so use this to your advantage and snowball your lead.
Lux has a pretty bad laning phase if she cannot land her Q. Try to hide behind multiple minions to prevent her from being able to reach you with her q.
You do have the range advantage and you are able to poke them down. Poking him down will prevent him from being able to all in you or your ADC. However to poke him down, you will be in range of his combo. If he uses his W+Q combo on you, you will feel the wrath of his damage and it can be very hard to survive. Try to avoid getting combo'd by Alistar. In this matchup, you may benefit from taking Ancient Coin.
Her black shield is very frustrating to play against because it can stop your all of your abilities. Try to trade when she has wasted her shield on her ally. Furthermore, if she uses her shield before you use one of your abilities, switch targets and focus them instead as she cannot black shield twice.
This champion can match your damage but has no sustain. He is quite squishy, he is easy to kill but he can also do a lot of damage and return. This is a medium match up and a skill based match up as it relies on perfect micro movement in lane in order to dodge his skills and poke down.
This is a difficult match up but far from the worst for this champion. Rakan can be quite squishy if you can land your bubble or your ultimate on him. However, he has a lot of ways of escaping and dodging your abilities. This makes it a difficult match up for you because it can be quite difficult to catch him.
This is a frustrating match up rather than difficult match. Just try to dodge his abilities and focus him down whenever you go for a trade. He is very squishy, but does a lot of damage - so keep that in mind when playing against Zilean.
This is a very difficult match up because he hits you with his Q- you're basically dead. Furthermore, he can block your ultimate as well as your bubble with his shield which means you have little to no interaction in lane. This is a boring match up where he doesn't really do too much until he gets a gank. Just poking whenever you can and avoid being hit by his Q.
Avoid his Q at all times!!! If he grabs you, the game is practically over as they can snowboard the lead. Try to hide in between minions to prevent him getting a good angle on you. Try to poke him whenever he has his Q on cooldown as this is the safest time to poke him.
Much like Blitzcrank, you should avoid being hit by his Q. Stand in between the minions to prevent him getting an easy anger when you. Thresh is quite squishy, so if you land a bubble it could be a free kill for yourself. Try to poke him whenever he has his abilities and cooldown.
This is a very difficult matchup as she can easily kill you in one combo. Prevent going to far forward and play passive when she has her abilities up. Be aware of her early game damage as it is very surprising and frustrating to lane against. If you go to ward a bush that she is in, don't bother as she can easily clear it with her AA + Q + AA combo. Make sure to waste keep an eye on where she is and where you are so she cannot jump on you with her E.
This is a frustrating match up because of her damage. She can poke you from afar, and kill you if she roots you. Try to put her down whenever she has no abilities available as this will be the safest time to do so. Focus her as well as she is very squishy which means you can pick up free kills when she is flashless.
What Summoner Spells should you take on
Nami?When playing as
Nami you will always want to take Flash. Flash willStandard
What are the best items for
When it comes to building your champion, many of the builds are pretty straight forward with not much wiggle roam.
Combo Discussion
Nami doesn't have many combos and she is not very mechanically difficult. Her kit is pretty simple, so there are not many combos. However, there are a few different variations and preferred ability rotations that you can use to your advantage.
R +
Standard Level 6 combo. You would want to use this combo when you intend to engage on the enemy in lane. For example, if your ally is ganking your lane.
R +
Q +
Another standard level 6 combo. You can use this combo if you're being chased by the enemies or you're trying to set up a gank for your ally. Remember to stand near the enemy to secure the W bounce.
E +
Standard early laning phase trading combo. If you can guarantee a few auto attacks on the enemy, it makes using your E worth it.
Q +
Standard combo. This can be used when you're receiving a gank. I would recommend that you try and use this combo when you're getting a gank before level 6.
E +
Ganking Combo. Like previously, you can use this combo if you're getting a gank. As your E slows enemies hit, you can slow the enemy which will make it easier for you to hit your
R +
Q +
E +
Full example combo. When it comes to team fighting, there is quite a range of different combinations you can throw your abilities out with. This combo is one of the more popular combos because of it's usefulness. First you through your Ultimate out, then hit any knocked enemies with your
Bubble. You then should empower your allies auto attacks with your
E and then use your
W to either heal your allies or deal damage to stunned/slowed enemies.
Tips and Tricks for the fish queen!
You can self-cast your
E if you can guarantee that you can get at least 2 auto attacks out of it. For example, I wouldn't use this if I can only get one auto attack. However, I would use this if I can get
Champion Synergy
Early Game
The early game for
Mid Game
Depending on how the game is going, you may be at your strongest point of the game. Your main focus during this time is to protect your team and keep your ADC alive for as long as possible. You can do this with your
Late Game
The late game is very similar to the mid-game for
Your job is to stick closely to your ADC and your team, watching your positioning in team fights and keeping them alive for as long as you can.You need to be stood right next to your ADC in team fights to keep them alive. Remember,
We've already talked about team fighting briefly in the past sections and we've talked about what you should look to do. Now let's talk about general team fighting tips that you can use to your advantage when playing as
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