[8.18.2]Support Morgana for Defense and Offense
(Last updated on September 21, 2018)
Views 3.0K
[8.18.2]Support Morgana for Defense and Offense
(Last updated on September 21, 2018)
Views 3.0K
All the support you need is in your E. Just time it well to block stuns and large damage spells. Your major role is to feed your ADC. The more early kills you get the easier it is to snowball the game. Towards mid game you will have decent wave clear with your W and Liandry's. Any squishy match up will be a piece of cake. Morgana is all about landing your Q's at the right squishy.
You will have difficulty against most of the tank supports, your Q will help you and your ADC escape if needed.
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