[8.12.1]'Now the Pros Use It': Bottom Mordekaiser Carry Guide.
(Last updated on June 18, 2018)
Views 3.3K
[8.12.1]'Now the Pros Use It': Bottom Mordekaiser Carry Guide.
(Last updated on June 18, 2018)
Views 3.3K
Mordekaiser is a very strong champion in this current meta. However, it does not mean that he is always the best pick.
As a matter of fact, Mordekaiser is rather weak against those 'traditional' ADC champions since he does not have a dash skill. His skill range is quite short as well.
If your Support has good CC skills or dash skills such as 나
you may consider picking Mordekaiser against traditional ADCs. Also, if you can enslave the enemy (ADC) with
you become so much stronger.
However, Mordekaiser is best against bruisers and assassins. For example, you can even dominate 1 vs 1s against champions such as ,
. His weakness is that he lacks CC and movement skills. So, this is why you should use him in Bottom lane since the Support can support you. That's why he becomes so powerful in this current meta.
In early games, Mordekaiser's key skill is . If he goes Top/Mid lane, he should focus on
as his poking skill, but we're talking about Bottom Mordekaiser here. If he teams up with a Support, he should focus on
which makes him and the Support so powerful in laning. When you hit level 4, level your
to 2 and try to aggressively trade damage with your support. Trading damage is not recommended if the opponent is really strong in early games or if the opponent duo counters your duo.
, he can make your Support a good lane pusher as well. Constantly push waves and help out your Jungler. This will eventually snowball and make it much more easier to slay the Drake.
You can enslave the Drake with your . Use your Drake to quickly push through the opponent turrets. The current meta is about snowballing fast. You shouldn't try to farm up on CS; just quickly destroy the turrets and close down the game.
Once you destroy the Bottom tier 1 turret, you can choose to join your other laners with your Support. Try to team up and destroy the other remaining turrets. If your team's comp is focused on teamfights, you may choose to initiate a fight as well.
Mordekaiser is an AP bruiser in teamfights. Use on enemies and slow them down with the
passive. This will help you with your teamfight positioning. Focus on an enemy AD dealer with your teammates. Use your ult and enslave. If you succeed, the fight suddenly becomes a 4 vs 6, which give a higher chance of winning the fight.
Use on your main tank champion.
should be used on enemies that are closing down on your teammates. Try to land
on numerous enemy champs. Also, If you see some low HP champs, you can use
to close down a kill.
You should always be confident in fights since Mordekaiser's skills are fairly easy to land. Think of 's
. Mordekaiser's skills are much more easier to use. Although his in-game looks might seem quite bulky, you should always keep in mind that he is not that tanky.
However, Mordekaiser is about getting hit by skills and triggering his shield, which makes him highly sustainable in fights. Rather than simply falling back, it might be a better choice to close down on enemies. Try to engage with your teammates since he can be rather easily focused on and killed by enemy dealers.
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