Passive: Second Skin - Kai'sa's basic attacks stack Plasma, dealing increasing bonus magic damage. Allies' immobilizing effects help stack Plasma. Additionally, Kai'sa's item purchases upgrade her basic spells to have more powerful properties.
The first part of Kai'sa's passive is her plasma stacks. It's a five hit stack, with each hit doing more magic damage. The fifth hit will rupture the stacks and deal %missing health. This is really effective at shredding tanks, but also does a lot of damage vs squishy champions. In lane, the fifth hit does a deceptively large amount of damage, so try to get all five hits if possible .
Q: Icathian Rain - Kai'sa shoots a swarm of missiles that seek out nearby targets. Living weapon: Icathian rain is upgraded to shoot more missiles.
Kai'sa's pre-evolved q is shoot 6 missiles. The missiles are evenly split between nearby targets, so try to isolate your target before using q, or else it will do significantly less damage. Kai'sa's q also only searches for targets once, when it is cast. So it will only shoot missiles at champions in range when it was cast. If you cast q, then flash in toward another enemy, your q will not hit that enemy if he/she was not in your original q cast range. That also means you can walk out of range after you cast q, and the missiles will still hit the targets. Q also does not lock you out of movement, so you can cast q while moving, and you can still auto-attack while casting q. Kai'sa's q evolves at 100 AD and the evolved form will shoot 10 missiles.
W: Void Seeker - Kai'sa shoots a long range missile, marking enemies with her passive. Living weapon: void seeker is upgraded to apply more passive marks and reduce cooldown on champion hit.
A lot of people underestimate the important of hitting your Ws. In lane it is really good for poke, and it also adds 2 of your plasma stacks for fast stacking. It can also be used to check bushes/baron/dragon pit because it gives vision. Usually, you don't want to use this in the middle of a fight because the casting animation is really long and you can get more dps just with autos and q. However, because of its long range, it is really good for setting up your ultimate and for sniping low health enemies trying to run away. The evolved form of W does more damage, applies 3 stacks of plasma, and reduces its cooldown if it hits an enemy champion. If you have your w evolved, which requires 100 AP, then it is really good for poke because the cooldown is actually pretty low if you can reliably hit enemy champions.
E: Supercharge - Kai'sa briefly increases her movement speed, then increases her attack speed. Living weapon: supercharge is upgraded to briefly grant invisibility.
This is the ability that will differentiate a good Kai'sa from a decent one. Kai'sa's e will initially give her movement speed, however, during that time she cannot attack. She can still use summoner spells, but she cannot auto or use any of her other abilities, however, she can use e while she is still casting q. After the short increase in movement speed, supercharge grants Kai'sa an increase in attack speed. Before you evolve e, you should not be using this in the middle of a fight, unless it is to dodge a skillshot with the movement speed. In lane, you can use it to dodge skillshots, chase enemies, or run away. I would not use it purely for the attack speed buff unless there is nothing needing to be attacked nearby. After you evolve e, which requires 100 attack speed, supercharge grants invisibility during the movement speed buff. This is really good during teamfights to dodge skillshots and draw attention away from you.
R: Killer Instinct - Kai'sa dashes near an enemy champion.
Kai'sa's ultimate lets her dash near an enemy champion and gives her a shield upon cast. That means that even if you don't reach your destination, you still get the shield. Kai'sa's ult does not have to be used as an engage, it can also be used defensively to reposition, or just for the extra shield. If there is a lot of burst flying around, sometimes it is better to ult early just for the shield, so it's less likely that you just get one shot without being able to ult.
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