[8.18.2]Make Your Enemies Disappear
(Last updated on September 22, 2018)
Views 2.2K
[8.18.2]Make Your Enemies Disappear
(Last updated on September 22, 2018)
Views 2.2K
Easy win in lane. Just be careful overextending as you might be slowed or stunned.
More of a sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Really comes down to who has the better support.
Play safe. Try to root after he throws axe. Try not to engage him in lane without Jungle or Support help.
I am a Silver 3-4 ADC main. I mostly play Jhin and Miss Fortune with an occasional Tristana or Lucian. I started my competitive journey in Bronze 5 before climbing to Silver 3-4 by using Miss Fortune and Jhin.
There are really two sets of runes you can take. It depends more on your play style than anything else. Option 1: Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, and Ravenous Hydra. Option 2: Hail of Blades, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ravenous Hydra. I have seen success with both sets. I’d recommend trying each out and seeing what you like better.
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