[8.24.1]Pre-Season 9 Janna Support Guide [Former Top 65 Janna world]
(Last updated on December 30, 2018)
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[8.24.1]Pre-Season 9 Janna Support Guide [Former Top 65 Janna world]
(Last updated on December 30, 2018)
Views 10.0K
Playing against this champion is very simple. All you need to do is poke her whenever she walks out of position. As she has a lot of damage with her E, shield yourself before attacking how to neglect some of the damage.
This is a good match up for Janna as the enemy is a rather squishy. You can use this to your advantage by focusing all your attention on them during trades. Frequently using your W on them will allow you to deal lots of damage and hopefully went the lane.
Janna is really good against Sona as she is quite squishy. You can use this to advantage by poking her down whenever you go for a trade. However, she does have quite a lot of sustain and damage in her kit, so be careful whenever you trade with her.
Tahm Kench is really easy to play against because he is melee and immobile. You can use your range advantage to consistently poke him down whenever he tries to get Relic Shield stacks. You should be able to win this match up really easily however, it can flip if you let him poke you with his lick.
If she is playing full utility, this will be an incredibly easy matchup. If she is building damage, it is going to be quite difficult. This is because she will be able to out damage you in it's entirety. However, if she's going in for utility, this is one of the easiest matchups to play against. Either way, take ignite and try to put her down whenever you can.
This is a boring match up more than anything as he can stop you from doing anything in the laning phase. Just sit back, poke whenever you can and just play the lane.
Nautilus is rather difficult to play against because he has so much crowd control. Most utility supports suffer against enemies with lots of crowd control because they are rather weak and Janna is no exception. To win this lane, all you need to do is poke him and not allow him to be in range to auto attack you.
Trading with karma is very difficult as she has more damage than you and has a shield to. Fortunately, she is a jack of all trades support- but a master of none. You can use this to your advantage by poking her whenever she is out of position or whenever she has her shield down.
Laning against Brand is tricky as he has so much damage. I would recommend that you play far back and not let him use his abilities on you. However, make sure that you are in line with your ADC so they're not playing in a 1 v 1 lane. Brand is quite squishy, which you can use to advantage by poking him whenever he miss positions. He is also very in mobile which will help you when it comes to knocking him up with your q.
Nami is much better than Janna because she has more damage and a heal. Whenever you try to trade with her, use your shield on yourself to prevent some of the damage from inflicting you. Furthermore, do not stand too close to her because her heal likes to bounce around and give her more damage and sustained in fights. If she is walking up to you, use your shield and poke.
Avoid Blitzcrank's Q at all times. If he grabs you, you will most likely get killed. Janna is rather squishy which can make it difficult for you to survive the laning phase if you are to get hooked. I recommend that you stand in between and behind the minion wave to prevent Blitzcrank being able to hit his Q on you.
This champion is frustrating to play against because of his hook. Try to avoid being grabbed by it at any cost. If you were to get hit by it, it may cost you the lane as you will have to play safer. Furthermore, as Janna is rather squishy, being hit by it is basically a death sentence- so try to avoid it at all cost.
As Janna is rather squishy, it can be very difficult to play against champions who have crowd control. As Morgana has damage as well as crowd control, it makes it very challenging to play against her. In this matchup, you need to play incredibly safe and try to dodge her binding as best as you can.
Janna actually counters Alistar even though he is really good against utility Supports. In this matchup, poke him whenever he comes to get stacks on his Support item. When he goes in and uses a combo, you can use your tornado to block and prevent the knock up.
While you do count this champion, it can be quite difficult to beat him if you are new to Janna. Your Q can knock him up and prevent him from engaging on you, however, this can be quite difficult to do if you are new to the champion. Your ultimate is also very good at knocking him back- with practice. Rakan is really difficult to play against as you cannot necessarily poke too much. Once you are in position to poke, he can engage on you.
You should always take
It is incredibly important for basically every champion in the game to takeThe runes for
The main keystone you should take on abilities often without fear of running OOM. The next rune for1. When playing against a hard engage enemy, make sure to position behind the minion line so you do not get caught by their CC.
2. Remember your job. Janna is and should only be played as a Utility Support. This means that you shouldn’t be the frontline. So, make sure you watch your positioning.
3. Janna often gets pushed under tower during the early game. To prevent your ADC from losing farm to the tower, make sure you help them auto attack the back minions.
4. Wait until the enemy is engaging before using your Q to knock them up. This also goes with your Ultimate. To get an efficient knock up or knockback- wait until the enemy is engaging.
5. Don’t play aggressive if the enemy has their damaging abilities up. Janna will lose the trade.
6. When attacking a tower, make sure you use your shield on an ally with the most attack speed to get more damage dealt to the tower.
7. Your main source of damage during the laning phase is through your W. Make sure to utilize this ability by poking whenever you can.
8. Janna is really good at abusing melee or immobile champions, use this to your advantage by poking them whenever they misposition.
9. When laning against somebody with a dash or an engaging tool- wait for them to use it and then use your Q. This will prevent them from closing the gap and getting onto you.
10. In team fights, make good use of your shield by shielding any ally that needs it.
11. Be wary of using your Ultimate in team fights. Only use it to get people off your team or to heal your allies. While you’re casting the ability- you will be immobile and the enemy may be able to kill you.
12. Your Q has a rather long range and windup time. This means you can use it from the bush and not be seen. This is a handy trick that can be good during the laning phase.
Like every champion in League of Legends, there are some pros and cons to playing Janna. Here are some of the things that makes my favourite champion good, but also what makes her a bad champion.
Janna is really good at peeling and protecting her team. Thanks to her kit, she is one of the best- if not the best utility Supports in the game.
She works well with basically every ADC in the game. This is incredibly valuable in Solo Queue because it allows her to be paired with practically anyone.
She has great poke early.
She can be played passively or really aggressively. Thanks to Janna’s kit, you have the option to play passive or aggressive whenever you want to.
She is a really fast champion. As her Passive gives her bonus movement speed, you will be able to escape and move around the map with ease.
She can easily stack her Support item. As Janna can be played aggressively, you will be able to stack your starting item pretty quickly.
Easy champion to learn and easy to master.
You don’t have to master her to be able to play her well. As she is rather easy, you can pick up her mechanics quite easily.
Cheap build path. Unlike some champions, her items that she buys are quite cheap meaning you can get full build quicker compared to other champions.
She can be boring. This is the biggest turn off for many players.
Janna is squishy. Most utility Supports are squishy and Janna is no exception.
Loses to heavy damage champions. As she is squishy, she is easily killed.
Loses to hard engage. As she is a squishy champion, she suffers heavily against all ins and hard engages.
She cannot be the frontline. This is a big issue if your team has no reliable engage.
She relies heavily on her team. In Solo Queue, you should rely on your teammates to do things. Unfortunately, Janna relies heavily on her team to be able to do things while she protects them.
During the early game, your main focus should be to protect your ADC and help them lane. Janna is by being proactive in lane and not just stand still. Janna is in fact really good at poking and dealing damage if she is in a favorable matchup. This is why I recommend that you try to play aggressive whenever you can. Utilizing your Passive and your W will allow you to poke and deal lots of damage to the enemy throughout the laning phase. Maximizing your Support item by poking whenever you have stacks available will make you rich as well.
Now you know that you need to play aggressively, you will need to adjust your playstyle to be proactive and reactive. As Janna cannot reliably start fights or engage, she will need to wait for the optimal time to poke the enemy and trade. For example, once the enemy has overextended or is out of position. Janna is a Utility Support who peels and protects- not an engage champion.
During the Mid game, you should look to be grouping with your team. Sticking closely to your team will allow them to do their job in a more efficient way. Healing and shielding your allies as they trade and fight or go for objectives can give your team the edge. This is why I recommend that you stick closely to them at all times.
Throughout the mid and late game, your job is basically to:
Thankfully, anna’s kit is perfect for this. There is not necessarily a game plan per say, as she relies on her team to do things while all she does is peel and protect. But this doesn’t mean that can just auto pilot. Make sure to make the call for objectives if they’re open to you or if the enemy has died.
Remember to watch your positioning in team fights and not go to far forward and you may be opening yourself up to free damage and death which may cost your team the team fight.
Team fighting is rather straightforward for
I recommend prioritizing the life of your ADC and other carries over yourself: by which I mean you should give them your shields and heal rather than just yourself as they will make more use out of them. The priority of shielding should be on your carries and not really your tanks unless they’re about to die or your ADC is in a position where they cannot be hit.
Realistically, experience plays a huge part in learning how to team fight as Janna as she is not like many other champions apart from other Utility Supports. My biggest tip is to always watch your positioning and be positioned close to your ADC and not to far behind or infront of them.
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