[8.20.1]Trollpoll to Victory!
(Last updated on October 15, 2018)
Views 5.7K
[8.20.1]Trollpoll to Victory!
(Last updated on October 15, 2018)
Views 5.7K
When you engage on him, make sure you dodge his cc with Playful/Trickster. After that, he’s a sitting duck.
Make sure you dodge her dagger damage with your Playful/Trickster. Then, she will have no damage to kill you.
Just simply jump through his cage with your Playful/Trickster and proceed to kill him.
All her skill shots are dodgable with your Playful/Trickster. Super easy to ult her whenever she uses her ult, as you should aim your Chum The Waters at the spot she would return to.
You must dodge his tornados and watch out for his wind walls when you are planning to ult him. You can fake a roam and try to get to fight him in the jungle where there are no minions for him to dash on. As for landing your ult on him, you should use the short ranged R (check abilities) and try to burst him down.
Dodge his shirikans early game, but when he hits 6, you NEED to save your Playful/Trickster for his ultimate. Make sure you E before he hits you with his Death Mark. If you managed to land your ult on him, Playful/Trickster when you get near him so he has no target to ult on.
MUST BAN! If you try to engage on her, she will just use her smoke bomb, and will proceed on killing you. Same thing if she jumps on you.
He will literally poke you death. If you try to jump on him, he will dish out a ton of damage, and it gets worst when he has access to his ultimate. You must take teleport against him and wait till 6. When you hit Chum The Waters on him, save your E for his ult when you engage onto him. If it’s a bad Azir, however, you will crush lane.
You can’t engage on him and hope for a kill. Ping for a gank if you want to kill him. Take teleport against him.
Fizz's dexterity allows him to move through units and take less physical damage from auto attacks.
This passive basically lets you take less poke, and is a free phantom dancer passive.
A point and click dash to engage on an enemy.
I normally start E into ranged matchups to dodge level 1 poke. Try not to use this ability too much against poke or else you will quickly run out of mana. Level W next for farming, and finally q. When I hit level three I usually try to look for a kill against the enemy laner. In melee matchups I start W since I don’t need E to dodge poke. Sometimes against a Zed, Talon, and Katarina, I might start E since they have some poke.
In mid game, you should try to switch to other lanes to look for kills, or split-push. You don’t really need to be with your team if they are doing dragon or baron. If you are taking down towers and the enemy team tries to kill you. Your team secures free dragon/baron. If they try to stop your team from taking objectives, you can either secure the tower if it’s low, or team-fight with your team.
When you are team fighting, you generally want to look for your enemy’s back line. You need to know before diving in, who you can one-shot, and who pose the most threat to your team. You also need to keep in mind which defensive items they have (zhonya’s hourglass, guardian angel). Before you dive in as Fizz, you must wait for the frontline cc to be used, so you won’t instantely get bursted. You also need to watch out for backline cc, which you will probably dodge with your Playful/Trickster. When you succesfully killed an enemy squishy. You could either try to look for the next squishy, or use Zhonya’s Hourglass to wait for your cooldowns.
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level 1 FlyingWailord